Venisa Reveals

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4pm: At The Cafe

Katherine and Casper sat on a table and waited for Venisa to come. After a while, a lady in her 30s entered. She was pretty with brown hair and spectacles. She looked around as if she was looking for someone.
Katherine got up and walked to her,
"Are you Venisa?"
"Oh, thank god you came. I'm Katherine. Please come"

They both sat on the table where Casper was sitting.

"Tell me. Why are you searching about Scarlett after so many years? Who are you?", Venisa had many questions.

"Ma'am we came to the house where Scarlett used to live. It is haunted. Their spirits live there and we want to escape that house. This is either possible after our death which Scarlett's spirit wants or by giving peace to her soul. We want to know everything that happened. There is still someone who hasn't paid for his deeds", completed Katherine.

"She was my best friend. We knew each other since we were 5 years old. She used to tell me everything, all her secrets. Her parents loved Percy a lot. For them their daughters were nothing. Scarlett loved her sisters a lot. She could never kill them. I'm sure Percy had killed them", said Venisa.

"We know ma'am, Percy was the actual culprit", said Casper.

"But how?", Venisa asked in shock.

"That isn't important right now. We just want to know that was there something about Scarlett which no one knows?", asked Casper.

"Yes. A day before her murder, Scarlett told me about Mr. Fedrick."

"Who is Mr. Fedrick?", asked Katherine.

"Mr. Fedrick was in army with Scarlett's father. And he conspired to kill her parents. Her parents didn't die in an accident. It was all planned, it was a murder!"

Venisa's revelation was a great shock for the siblings.

"Scarlett had come to know all this when she over heard Fedrick's conversation with someone. She was going to reveal this but before that, she got killed. I could never gather the courage to tell this to anyone at that time, and I felt that there was no point in doing so because the Hudsons were no more."  Venisa had tears in her eyes as she told this.

"How do you remember everything, so well? It has been more than 20 years", Katherine couldn't help asking.

"Because she was my best friend. I cannot forget anything that happened to her. She deserved a better life."

"We will help Scarlett. Do you know anything else about Mr. Fedrick that can help us reach him?" asked Casper.

"Please think, Miss. Venisa. It is very important", said Katherine.

"Wait.. I may be having his old address in my diary, Scarlett gave me. Do t worry, I'll message you as soon as I go home."

"Thanks a lot", said Katherine and they all parted.

Katherine and Casper went home and gave the information to Eric and Myra.

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