A Meet With Sam

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Everyone went to their respective rooms, waiting for the evening, for cop Sam.
Katherine went to her room, kept the folder of articles on the side table and sat on her bed. She looked outside the window of her room. The afternoon sun was shining bright. She closed her eyes and tried to remember everything, every single bit. The clown, the unknown girl, the little girl on the window who was probably Marie, the dreams, attack on Casper, the revelation by Myra, Mr. Simon, the room, the diary, library and now Mr. Sam!
Everything was so messed up.

Tik tik...

Katherine heard a weird sound. As if someone softly knocked. The sound was so low that she couldn't identify from where it was coming. She got up and went to the door and opened it. No one was there. She closed the door and thought that it was her imagination. She sat again and was in her thoughts when she heard the sound again. She looked around the room. The bathroom was empty, everything was perfect until her eyes went on the mirror.

'It's me'

This was written on the mirror. Katherine was still in shock and suddenly she saw a faint shadow in the mirror. She could feel herself sweating, her heart pounding hard. She turned behind. But nothing was there. She turned again to mirror. It was nearer and clear this time. She recognized the face that she saw in the family pictures. It was Scarlett. Her eyes, pitch black. Her face clear and scarier than the scariest nightmare. She froze in horror. She could feel Scarlett speaking into her ears,
"I'll kill your brother and i'll kill you. I'll kill everyone!"
Katherine closed her ears tight, but she could still hear Scarlett, louder each second. Terrified and frustrated, she took a flower vase kept on the table and threw it in the mirror, breaking it.
The voice was gone, the room was clear.
Within a few seconds, she could hear Casper banging the door.
"Open the door, Kat. Are you okay? Open the door."
She quickly opened the door and hugged Casper and started crying.
"What happened, Kat? Tell me."

She told him everything and he took her downstairs. Casper made her sit on the sofa and went to take the folder in Katherine's room. He then went down. Katherine was worried. Before he could console her, the door bell rang and cop Sam arrived. Myra and Eric too came there there and they all sat in a circle.
"So tell me Katherine, how do you know my father and what is it that you want to tell me?", Sam asked her in a serious tone.
"I'll tell you everything, sir. But may i know where is your father right now?", she asked.
"He is no more.", the cop announced with pain in his voice.
"I'm sorry sir, but if you could please tell how and when did he die...", Katherine took a pause.

"My father was a police officer," Mr Sam began, "he died when I was 12,probably in 1995. I used to stay with my uncle in London at that time,for studies. I asked my mom and my uncle about my father's death, but they never told me anything. They used to say that he died during his duty. I studied well, and returned to my mom. I asked her again. She told me that he died in some old house while he was investigating a murder case. A girl had killed her sisters, until i remember. I never asked anything again. But i decided that i'll become a police officer like my dad. ", he ended.
Everyone was looking at him, with pity and seriousness.
" Now will you tell me what is the matter",he demanded.
Katherine handed the articles to him. He was confused but as he started reading the articles, things started becoming clear. As he read the articles, he was more and more terrified, he was shocked.
"So Mr. Sam, it is probably this house where your father died and it was during the Hudson's case." Katherine was sympathetic while saying this.
They told him the truth about Mr. Simon, the Agent, his visit. They also told about the incidents in the house. Mr. Sam had received the shock of his life, but he also got a motive to know about his father's death and help the poor inhabitants of the house.
"What do you want me to do? ", he asked.
"It would be great if you can find the  file of the Hudson's case." said Casper.
"Yes", continued Eric, "It will help us in finding the secrets of the house."
"I can't assure you, but I promise that i'll try my best." said Sam and left.

Every one knew that it was difficult for Sam to face his past like this. They were worried. As days were passing by, the threat was increasing.

They all returned to their rooms, but as Katherine entered her room, she saw something which made her scream. Everyone within a few seconds gathered in her room.
"what happened, Kat?", asked Myra.
Katherine pointed her finger towards the mirror!

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