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"You didn't have to do this" I sniff watching Cyrus slap bandages up and down my arm.

"Yes I did, I wasn't gonna sit here and watch blood go down your arm. No matter how bad I wanted to pass out because...blood, I'm here for you no matter how hard you try to push me away you're not getting rid of me"

"You skipped school"

"Your problems are way bigger than school right now" Cyrus sighs "Now we're going to talk. Are you sober enough to talk?"

"I don't know I still have the urge to call you daddy" I shrug.

"But you're not calling me daddy so that's progress now let's talk" Cyrus pulls me out of the bathroom and we both sir down on my bed. "First things first. Your dad? You don't have to talk about if you don't want to"

"It's fine, he was an alcoholic and an abuser, and when you called me an alcoholic it kind of brought back memories that I'm trying to forget" I sigh.

"Jonah I'm sorry I didn't know" Cyrus places his hand on my thigh.

"It's fine, I should've known better alcohol does not run well in my family. When my mom started drinking when she kicked my dad out she started taking her anger out on everything in sight, but she finally decided to get some help when she ended up slapping me one day"

"Did your dad ever hit you?" I somewhat lie, he didn't necessarily hit me.

"No, but he did hit my mom though" I sniff feeling my eyes water a bit. "I remember this one time I was around six years old and he came home drunk, he started yelling at my mom about something and he pushed her around. All I could do was stand there peeping around the corner into the living room at what was happening, I was scared. Like what would happen to me if I didn't have my mom, you know? Now sometimes when I'm just thinking and that day pops up in my mind it just reminds me of how worthless I am" A tears rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away.

"Jonah for the last time your not worthless, pathetic, stupid you're not none of those things. The Jonah I know is caring, trustworthy, he puts everyone before himself, adorably oblivious to things, smiles 24/7 just to see someone else smile, and on top of your amazing personality, you're incredibly cute and with this bad boy thing you got going on is making you totally hot."

"Thanks Cyrus but that's the old Jonah"

"That Jonah is still somewhere deep inside"

"How deep?" I smirk and then it quickly vanishes when he glares at me. "Sorry that was the alcohol talking. I'm also sorry for breaking my promise I just had to" I look at my arm.

"No you didn't. You just need better ways of dealing with your pain instead of hurting yourself" Cyrus slides his hand into mine and our fingers interlock. "I really like you Jonah and I don't want to see you hurt"

"I really like you too Cyrus" I feel my cheeks warm up.

"We never really talked about us after that kiss you know? Well make out session because I'm pretty sure your shirt stays on during a kiss" He laughs slightly.

"Well what do you want to talk about?"

"I'm not ready to come out yet, I'm scared. I'm not even sure what my sexuality is, I could be gay, bi, or pan"

"So what you're saying is, you want to secretly date?"

"Basically yeah"

"Okay, boyfriend" I smile, Cyrus Goodman is my boyfriend who would've thought. "What do we do now?"

"I shall begin fixing you"

"I can't be fixed"

"Well not with that attitude" Cyrus laughs a little.

"Cyrus, listen I know you want to help me and I appreciate it but I really do think that all I need is some positivity in my life for once"

"Well there we go, that's how we're gonna fix you. I'm gonna show you how to have fun"

"Why does it feel like you're trying to change me?" I whisper my thoughts out loud.

"I'm not"

"Yes you are, first you tell me all the things you like about the old Jonah and now you're saying I'm no fun. Sorry to break it to you but this is me now" I stand up off the bed getting away from Cyrus.

"Jonah that's not what I'm trying to do at all, I'm trying to um" He trails off and I look at him.

"Thank you for proving my point, Cyrus you like the old Jonah not me"

"I do like you" He protest.

"No you think you like me" I sigh "I think you should leave"


"Just go" I turn away from him and I hear my bed creek as he gets off and my door shut as leaves.

I just need to take a nap, yeah a nap. So I can get my thoughts together.

I strip to my underwear and I hop into bed closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I walk around in the silent forest, it's dark and creepy. Like something out of a horror movie.

"I wish I had someone to fix me" A voice whispers.

"Mr.Green didn't want me tell you this yet but before Spring Break he asked me if could tutor you. Are you okay with that?" Another voice whispers.

"Jonah are you okay? I can help you"

"Jonah stop let me help you"

"Well you need somebody's help"

I fall to my knees in the forest throwing my hands up to my head, trying to get the voices to stop.

"Then let me fix you"

"You're not alone, I won't leave you alone"

"No problem, my little prince"

"You can talk to me, think of me as your very own personal Dr.Phil

"Promise you'll always be there for me?"


"I'm here for you no matter how hard you try to push me away you're not getting rid of me"

I scream.

I let all my frustrations out and I scream right there in the forest, all alone, by myself. This is all my fault I push people away when I need them the most.

My body begins to shake violently as I scream and cry in pain, my cuts on my arm open and blood begins flowing down my arm. I suddenly begin to feel lightheaded and I fall onto my back in the dirt, thorns and sticks poking into my skin as I lay there, helpless.

"Cyrus?" I whisper when a hand slowly touches over my cheek.

"No, it's your worst nightmare" My eyes snap open at the only voice I recognized so far.


"Hello son"

I shoot up in my bed covered in sweat.

My wish came true and I didn't even notice, I need to call Cyrus.


Writers block is real, I had this one idea that turned into another idea and then I didn't know which one to use then I got another idea. Long story short I ended up with this.


Xoxo~ T

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now