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"Okay so..." Cyrus tries to explain some math problem to me, and I zone out.

It's been like a week since the fight, at school and my mom is looking for a lawyer already.

I can't focus on anything, I'm paranoid.

Jason and Derek aren't suspended anymore so there back at school, which resulted in me getting a black eye, them getting matching one's thanks to Buffy, and Leo cowering in there shadows again.

Jade won't stop texting me and I won't even bother to look at the messages because I don't want her to get to me again, I'm done with drinking and all that.

I'm just trying to get my life back together.

Like Cyrus said, I just have to think positive...which is really hard.

He makes it look so easy how he can just walk around with a smile on his face, even though his parents are fighting over him. He still manages to keep his self and everyone else around him happy and I'm like, how?

I'm not complaining though, I'm glad he's in my life he makes me happy.

I think that's something positive, I just thought positive...Yay!

"Why are you smiling?" Cyrus speaks and I blink away my thoughts, focusing in on his smiling face.

"Because of you" I sigh.

"Me? What'd I do?"

"You just being you"

"Are you drunk?"

"No" I roll my eyes.

"You sure?"


"You sure, you sure?" Cyrus's smile grows.

"Don't you dare do the thing where Spongebob kept asking Ms.Puff if she was sure at the boating school thing in that one episode" I groan.

He laughs, and I feel my cheeks heat up when I stare at him.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text from, Jordan.

My smile quickly fades as I click on it, opening it.

He hardly texts me. Why is he texting me now?

"Who is it?" Cyrus asks and he crawls behind me and he rest his chin on my shoulder as he looks over onto my phone.

He Who Shall Not Be Named: If I were you I would call off the lawyers Bicycle, you're just gonna make things worst I mean you don't want to see your wittle boy toy hurt. Would you? By the way Jason and Derek owe me a few favors so I advise you stay away, have a nice dayXoxo- Jordan

I place my phone back down and I stare at the ground with wide eyes.

"Don't let him get to you, we-"

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now