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Cyrus and I walk out my bedroom hand in hand and we walk straight down the hall all the way to the front door and right when I touch the doorknob to leave my mom say "Stop!" and I freeze.

"In the of love" Cyrus begins to sing.

"Before you break my heart" My mom sings along.

I roll my eyes at the two "You stopped us becauseeeee?"

"You could lose the attitude, and I don't think you should leave the house unless it's to go to school"

"So you're grounding me?" I groan


"What did I do to be grounded, I recall doing absolutely nothing...in fact I never do anything so why do I get bullied? Why do people hate me? Why did Jordan ever have to do what he did? Why did Amber have to expose me? Why am I just now figuring out that my dad is not my dad?" I huff as I squeeze Cyrus's hand causing him to quietly whimper and pull away from me.

"It's just safer for me to watch you, so just go back to your room" My mom says with a sigh.

"Don't worry Susan I'll watch him, and I'll make sure he's safe" Cyrus grabs my hand again and he squeezes it reassuringly.

"Like you watched him at that party?" My mom snaps a little, and the smile disappears from Cyrus's face, she realizes what she's done and say "sorry" before she runs her hands through her hair and sits down on the couch in our living room throwing her face into her hands.

"It's okay I forgive you, I understand since I'm dating your son and he can tend to be a little disrespectful to you but we both know that's just his temper and he doesn't really mean it and that this would be a great time to apologize. Right my little prince?" He nudges me and I roll my eyes.

"Because it will make his mother feel better. Right Jolamajama?" He smirks and I look away from him.

"Because I'm not the only one noticing those gray hairs from stress forming. Right Jo-Bro?"

I continue to look away.

"Apologize right now, or I'll tell your mother that you have a toilet water drinking addiction"

"YOU HAVE A WHAT? Why, does that not bother me as much as it should?" My mom mumbles something else after that but I couldn't catch what she said.

"I don't have a toilet water addiction" I finally look at Cyrus again and I see that he's trying his hardest not to laugh. "But I'm sorry, for being a bad son. I know you wish you had better but you ended up with me and I don't blame my real dad for not wanting anything to do with me because I don't want anything to do with me, I'm a mess"

My mom slowly lifts her head up from her hands and she gets up walking towards me slowly placing her hand to my face. "Jonah I don't wish for better, I'm glad I have you-"

"Why?" I cut her off raising my eyebrow.

"What do you mean why? I love you, you're my son I wouldn't trade you for anyone else in the world. You're my baby, no matter how many times you tell me that you're all grown up and to see you hurt everyday" She pauses and I see tears forming in her eyes. "And knowing that you don't want to live, I worry about you 24/7 and each time you leave I feel like you won't come back"

Now feeling bad because I know this is all my fault, I sigh and I bring my mom in for a hug as she just let's go and cries right there in my arms.

"I'm sorry mom I didnt know you felt that way, I'm also sorry for snapping at you all those times when you were just trying to help, and I'm sorry for that fake apology earlier I was just mad that I'm now figuring out that my dad isn't my dad...what's his name?"

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now