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"Jonah" Cyrus calls my name and I blink shaking away my thoughts and backing away from the edge.

Joining Buffy, Andi, and Cyrus near the door of the roof.

"So like are you two dating?" The biggest smile forms on Andi's face.

"Secretly, I'm too afraid to come out to anyone else at the moment" Cyrus grabs my hand and he smiles like he just won an award or something.

If I was a prize I'd be the pair of socks you get from your grandparents and then you throw a fake smile on your face pretending that it's the best thing you got in the world, when you really you're just gonna throw it in your sock drawer and forget all about, waiting for it to get lost in the wash.

"So we're gonna ignore how Jonah was clearly thinking about jumping off the roof" I look at Buffy surprised. "Don't look at me like that, you made it obvious by scooting closer like you were thinking about it until Cyrus called your name"

I look behind me at the edge and back to Buffy, how could she have possibly known that.

"Jonah were you actually going to jump?" Andi asks, and Cyrus rubs the back of my hand with his thumb in soothing circles.

"Well watching you almost fall off, kind of made me wonder how much pain it would actually cause. So yes I was going to jump off if Cyrus didn't call my name bringing me back to reality" I whisper.

"Let's play a game" Andi says and we all look at her like she's crazy, we're talking about how I want to die and she wants to play. "Jonah seems depressed and laughter is the best medicine so let's play, truth or dare"

"Truth or dare? Out of all games you pick the game that makes people wanna kill each other" Buffy says in a dry tone.

"Well what should we play, tag? Someone is gonna be bound to fall off the roof" Andi argues.

"No one plays games on roofs, that's just stupid" Buffy argues back.

"Well then it's perfect for Jonah since he only does stupid stuff" Andi mumbles.

"I know right, I can't believe he thinks Jade and Jordan are his friends."

"For real" Andi agrees with Buffy.

"You guys he's standing right here" Cyrus speaks up.

"Sorry" Andi apologies

"I'm not" Buffy rolls her eyes. "You know things in your life could've been avoided if you would've thought about what you was doing, like getting drunk, and hanging out with Jade and Jordan-"

"I get it I make bad decisions" I cut her off.

"No I really don't think you do, you may think I'm being rude right now but I'm acting like this because I care about you. I don't want to see you dead Jonah and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one and I know the truth hurts but you needed to hear this, stop thinking about the haters and start thinking about the people who love you because they're going to be the only people who matter in the end"

"Preach" Andi says and we all glance at her and she clears her throat. "Sorry, not the right time"

I keep my mouth shut at Buffy's truthful words not really knowing what to say.

She's right, but it's hard to pretend like they're not there. Believe me I've tried but it's kind of hard when they're constantly causing you pain and making you feel like dirt.

Hanging out with Jade and Jordan makes me feel numb, probably because all the alcohol I consume when I'm in there presence and I know being with them is horrible and not healthy at all but when you're numb you feel no pain and I don't like feeling pain, and I feel like they get me. They've been through a lot of stuff too they won't tell me what, but I'm guessing it's just a lot of stuff since they get drunk and high in an alley way...and I join them.

What the heck is wrong with me? I got three great possible friends right here in front of me and I push them away, but Jade and Jordan have something about them that keeps pulling me towards them, and it's all so complicated and confusing in some type of way.

"Bicycle?" Jordan opens the door to the roof. "Oh you're with them" He narrows his eyes.

"I thought you weren't supposed to come back until lunch?" Buffy asks.

"I wasn't but I felt bad so I came back to get Jonah"

"Well thanks, we'll be going now" Cyrus tugs my arm and we walk past Jordan with Buffy and Andi following behind.

"Aww you two made up how cute, I bet you didn't tell him about our not so little make out session and then what happened later on the next day when we were totally sober"

"What is he talking about?" Cyrus whispers his grip on my arm tightening.

"I-I don't know" I lie and my voice cracks in the process.

"You don't know? That's not at all what it sounded like. I do remember you saying... Well I don't really remember you saying anything, it was just a lot of noises"

"It was a one time thing" I snap turning to look at Jordan with his same stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"So something did happen" Cyrus let's go of me and backs away.

"Lets go, talk to us when you're ready to have happy life" Buffy storms past me dragging Cyrus and Andi away in the process.

"I don't understand why he's so mad, I mean didn't he kiss Iris while you guys were dating. Also if I'm remembering this correctly him kissing her is what led you into my bed in the first place"

"Shut up Jordan!"

"Woah, this is the first time you've talked to me while sober" Jordan laughs and the urge to slap him rushes through me quickly.

"This isn't funny. I just got him back and now he's gone again, and it's all your fault"

"I'm not the one who told you to get drunk or kiss me back or hang out with us, this is all on you and once you realize that I'm way better than Cyrus you know where to find me" Jordan kisses my cheek before he walks off leaving me all alone.

I messed up.


Here's the plot twist that I was talking about...not really the original plan was to start this chapter off with Jonah in the hospital and Jordan kissing him there, but I like this better.


Xoxo~ T

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