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"BUFFY GET OFF OF HIM!" Andi yells, her and Leo trying there hardest to pull Marty and Buffy off of Jordan.

"WORLDSTAR!" Jade yells pulling out her phone causing more people to walk over and circle around the fight

"I'm gonna die" Cyrus whispers.

"No you're gonna be okay" I reassure him, and I comb my fingers through his hair. "I've dealt with way worse, trust me"

Let's start from the beginning...

Cyrus and I walk into the school and it looks like everyone just snaps there head into my direction.

"Ignore them" Cyrus whispers to me and we keep walking, I put my head down and we stop where Buffy, Andi, and Marty are near Buffy's locker.

"Jonah don't worry when I figure out who did this, I'll snap there neck in half" Buffy says.

"Really? Okay it was-"

I place my hand over Cyrus's mouth silencing him.

"There will be no neck snapping, violence isn't the answer" Marty rubs Buffy's shoulder and she rolls her eyes.

"I mean it would've been cool to record" Andi shrugs.

"Yeah, true" Marty agrees. "But we're not doing it"

"Guys can we just drop it, I just want to make it to the end of the school day" I mumble.

"H-Hey Bi-Bi-cycle, sorry I-I don't really kn-know you're actually n-name" I turn around to see Leo, Jason's brother standing behind me awkwardly playing with his sleeves. "I- sorry I'm not really a talker" He says quickly.

"S-sorry ab-bout-"

"Shhh, take a deep breath and then talk we don't bite" Marty flashes him a smile.

"Well not all of us" Andi pats Buffy's head, showing us who she was talk about.

Leo takes a deep breath and then he looks towards the ground. "Sorry about Derek and Jason, I don't know if they were the ones behind this whole nude thing but I'm still sorry for what they did in the past and I'm sorry for always standing there and not doing anything" He says quickly and he begins to back away.

"It's fine, you don't need to apologize. I bet Jason scared you into keeping quiet" Cyrus says.

"Okay, umm Andi I like your hair today" Then Leo turns the other way and walks away.

"My hair is the exact same every single day" Andi says.

"Is he the one putting notes in your locker?" Buffy asks and her eyes and Andi's widen.

"Leo, wait up!?" Andi chases after him.

"I'll tackle you if you don't slow down" Buffy, says following behind Andi.

"I'll follow to make sure she doesn't break the poor guy" Marty says before he walks away.

Cyrus kisses my cheek and squeezes my hand. "Let's go to math" he chirps and I groan.


Walking outside to the tree I usually sit under during lunch I freeze, watching Jordan stare back at me with a smirk on his face crossing his arms.

"Bicycle!" Jade smiles walking up behind me and throwing her arm around my shoulder and we begin to start walking towards Jordan. "Haven't seen you since Friday night, at the party. Jordan says you come out here during lunch sometimes he wanted to talk to you about something but he won't tell me exactly what"

I lock eyes with Jordan and glare. "So he didn't tell you he was gay?" I hiss.

"He's what? You're what?" Jade walks closer to Jordan and the smirk that was on his face vanishes. "Do you not trust me? Why didn't you tell me? How does he know and not me?"

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now