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I stare at Buffy's phone in horror.

It's a picture of me naked and crying from Friday night with Jordan but he's not in the picture and it's obvious that he took it.

Not finding the words to say anything I just storm out of there clenching and unclenching my fist, while walking down the street.

"Jonah wait!" I hear Cyrus call out but ignore him, not wanna to talk at all right now.

I hear his footsteps behind me, signaling that he's following me.

Why can't I just get a break, was it because I was expecting that something bad was going to happen today? I mean nothing is ever rainbows and daises with me. It's always fire and wrecking balls, tearing me down.

I don't want to this anymore.

I stop and I just punch the brick wall next to me repeatedly as I begin to cry.

"You're hurting yourself, stop" Cyrus grabs my wrist and I pause.

"That's kind of the whole point" I hiss.

"We're getting you home" Cyrus throws his arm around my shoulders and begins leading me in the direction towards my house.

I stare down at my bloody fist...I can't take it anymore, the universe just wanted me to suffer longer.

I wanna die.


Cyrus begins to pounding on the door of my house until my mom quickly opens it and her eyes widen at me.

"Your fist! What happened?" She grabs my wrist and begins pulling me into the house.

When I don't respond Cyrus does for me. "He punched a wall"

"Sit here, I'll get a rag" I sit down at a stool at the kitchen island and Cyrus takes the other one next to me.

"We'll get him back for this" Cyrus reassures me, but I just stare blankly at the ground.

I feel numb, I can't even feel my fist right now. All I can think of is how, my dad was an abusive alcoholic, my ex-girlfriend outed me to the whole school, all the panic attacks I've been having lately, how I could possibly be an alcoholic too, how Jordan...hurt me, and now my nudes are probably circling around the whole student body right about now.

"I hate my life" I whisper.

Cyrus raises his hand and wipes my tears, but there's no use for that since they're just flowing down my face right now.

"It'll get better-"

"When?" I snap "When exactly will it get better, I've been waiting since I was...let's see, 15. A whole year of torture and the only thing people can do is say 'it's getting better' it's not getting better. In fact it's getting worse and worse by the second. I just want a break, from everything and no one can understand what I'm going through because they've never been through this."

"I don't know what to say, I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing" I groan.

"I'm sorry" Then he quickly places his hands over his mouth. "Sorry" he says but this time muffled. I roll my eyes.

"Okay I got it" My mom walks in with a bottle of alcohol and a rag. "This may hurt" she warns me and I just shrug handing her my hand.

I flinch a little when the rags come in contact with my skin.

"So what happened, what made you decided that it was a good idea to punch a wall?" My mom ask.

I don't answer her so Cyrus does for me "You'll find out sooner or later" he sighs.

"I would like to know, now and I would like to hear it from my own son" She commands.

"My n-nudes m-m-might be g-going a-around the whole sc-school" I stutter out.

"You sent nudes!?" Her eyes widen.

"N-no" I look down at my lap away from her glare.

"Then how are your nudes-"

"It's not as bad as it seems" Cyurs interrupts.

"I w-was sexting" I lie.

"YOU WHAT?" She stops and removes the rag off my hand and stares at me in disbelief, she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. "Cyrus I think you should go home, Jonah you need to go straight to your room"

Cyrus hesitates and he looks at me but I just nod for him to go.

My mom shakes her head at me and I can tell she's disappointed. "We'll talk about this later" She sighs and she walks off.

I get off the stool heading to my room.

I don't want to lie to my mom but I had to, she already has a lot on her plate and me telling her the real reason why, isn't going to help at all.

Everyone would be so much happier if I was gone.

I think for a second before I open one of the drawers and I grab a knife making my way to my bedroom.

Once I get in there I close the door but I freeze when I hear taps at my window. I look over to see Cyrus with a cheesy smile plastered on his face waving at me.

I open the window and help him in.

"I know your mom told me to leave, but I didn't want to leave you alone because of your situation" He grabs my wrist and holds up my hand with the knife in it. "Jonah?"

"What?" I ask dryly.

"What do you mean, what? You exactly what. Why do you have knife in your hand?"

"Oh you know to cut some strawberries, maybe a nice fruit salad" I say sarcastically and he tried to glare at me but he just ends up making an adorable face at me.

"This isn't funny, give me the knife"

"Nah, I'm good" I pull my wrist away from his grip walking away from him.

"No you're not good, you're not thinking straight right now"

"Well that makes sense, since I'm not"

"Stop joking around right now, and give me the knife"

"But I don't want to" I sigh and I turn around facing him as we stand at opposite sides of my bed.

"You're like a week clean, don't do this. You just need to talk it out, tell me how you're feeling"

"You really want to know how I feel?" I ask, feeling my eyes start well up with tears again.

"Yes I do"

"I don't want to live anymore" I roll up my sleeve. "I feel like I'm just bringing everyone down, I'm not helping at all. I question why I'm even here in the first place" I place the knife on my skin. "I'm worthless" I whisper.

"That's not true"

"Yes it is, and you know it is" I begin to add pressure to the knife...



Another cliffhanger, you guys must hate me 😂

Do you guys like the new cover?

I went on Asher's Instagram and I saw the pic of him, and I was like this is perfect.

So then I made a cover out of it.


Xoxo~ T

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now