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Tears now streaming down my face I make my way to my house, unlocking the door and...




"Oh sorry my bad" She places the bat back next to the door. "Why aren't you at school? Why are you crying? Answer the second question first"

I take a deep breath. "Mom, I'm bisexual" she stares at me and I wait for her to kick me out.



"Yeah okay, it's okay that you're bisexual. Doesn't change the way I think about you at all, you're still my baby boy" She walks up to me and hugs me.

"Thank you" I hug her back crying harder, this time with a mixture of happy and sad tears.

She accepts me, at least one good thing happened today.

"Now do you want to answer the first question I asked or do you want to talk about it later?"

"I want to talk about it now, it's a long story though"

"Ice cream or popcorn?"

"Ice cream" I say walking off and sitting in the living room getting comfortable on the couch.

My mom walks in later with cookies and cream Ice cream and she gets comfortable on the couch next to me. She pops the tops off and hands me a spoon and she begins to dig in with her own.

"Okay first things first" I begin "I think I'm dating Cyrus-"

"You think?"

"Yeah, something happened today"

"What happened?"

"I can't really tell you, it's something that kids aren't supposed to tell there parents"

"You told me you got drunk and high, which is also something you shouldn't tell your parents"

"True" I sigh "I had sex with another guy that wasn't Cyrus"

She places more ice cream in her mouth and I wait for her answer. "Who topped?"

"MOM!?" I yell in disgust "This is why I didn't want to tell you"

She laughs "Kidding, calm down. Now why would you cheat on Cyrus? He's adorable"

"He kissed a girl at school"

"And you went and had sex?"

I nod in response.

"Cyrus doesn't deserve you" she mumbles but I still hear her.


"What? It's true and I bet you know it too"

"I do know it's true, but at least make me feel better"

"You cheated, cheaters don't get rewarded"

"Well that's all" I kind of lie, she already knows I drink. Well she thinks I don't do it anymore, and she doesn't know that I cut, or that Jason and Derek want to end my life, and she also doesn't know the fact that I want to end it myself, or how I tried to jump off a roof today. She already has alot on her plate and I don't want her to worry about her son who can find a way to get him in to trouble every single day.

"Really?" She eyes me suspiciously.

"Yep" I lie grabbing the remote off the table and turning the TV to SpongeBob SquarePants.

"Really?" She questions this time with a little laughter at the end.

"Yep" I smile.


The door bell rings and I get up to open it, surprised to see Cyrus standing there red faced, with puffy eyes, and a bag in his hand. "I'm sleeping over" He walks past me and I just close the door trying to figure out why he's here.

"SpongeBob? Was there nothing else to watch?" Cyrus asks me as he walks past the living room and I follow behind him.

"JONAH! Who's at the door?" My mom yells from her room.

"It was Cyrus!" I answer.

"No really, who was it?"

"It was Cyrus!"

"After what you did, I wouldn't have came back"

"MOM!?" My voice cracks when I yell her name.

"What it's true, I bet you wouldn't have came back if you were Cyrus"

"True" I sigh.

"Hey Susan" Cyrus jumps in.

"Hey Cyborg"

"Please don't ever call him that" I groan.

"Why? It's my little nickname for him. I think it's hip. Do kids still say that?"

"No" I answer dryly.

I notice that Cyrus is already in my room and I catch up to him, closing my bedroom door behind me.

"Okay so first things first-"

"Why are you here?" I cut him off. "Not to be rude and I'm totally glad you're here so don't take it the wrong way, but I did cheat on you."

"And I cheated on you too"

"All you did was kiss Iris, I on the other hand did it with Jordan"

"You frickle frackled?"

"What the heck is that?" I ask.

"When Jordan exposed you, I thought he was trying to tell us that you guys made out a lot or something... Who topped?"

"That's not important right now" I say and Cyrus stares at me and I finally give in sighing. "He did" I mumble.

"I knew it" I give Cyrus the 'really?' Look and he mouths the word 'sorry' to me. "Anyway back on topic, cheating is cheating and now we're even. Just no more cheating, got it?"

"I got it but-"

"But what? That conversation is over, new one! So when I got home after school today I tried that cutting thing you do"

"WHAT!?" I quickly grab his hands pulling up his sleeves to see nothing and I begin breathing again.

"Here's the thing though, I don't like feeling pain and there's also the fact of you know...blood so I didn't do it, and then that's when I decided that I should just come over here and talk to you because hurting yourself is never the answer."

"I love you Cyrus" I confess. "Anyone else would've just gave up on me by now, but you're different and I like that. You have hope in me for some reason and I thank you for that. I would probably be, dead right now if it wasn't for you."

"Shhhhh" Cyrus moves closer to me placing his lips on mine and I kiss him back.

Our lips move passionate, in a slow kiss his more softer lips brushing by my rougher ones.

We pull apart and a small smile grows on Cyrus's face
"I love you too, my little prince"

I ignore the nickname and an even bigger smile grows on mine.



Xoxo~ T

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now