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I rinse the blood off my arm and I sit the razor blade back on the counter, staring at the new cuts on my arm.

To be honest I don't know what to do anymore, Cyrus and I haven't talked since Wednesday.

It's Monday, he doesn't even come over to tutor me anymore. He ignores all my calls, text, and he pretends like he can't see me when we walk by each other in the hallway.

All I want to do is just talk to him, I need to figure out what's going on in between us. I saw him and Iris kissing in the hallway Friday and I know he knows that I know because he looked me straight in the eyes when she walked away.

Then I decided to do the only thing I can do well, get drunk with Jade and Jordan.

It's like a routine now, meet them in the alley way and either get drunk and skip school or get drunk and go to school.

I look at myself in my bathroom mirror, eyes baggy from lack of sleep, hair mushed every which way, and a busted lip from falling on my face yesterday in my drunken trip back home alone.

I sigh leaving my house making my way towards school, stopping by the alley way quickly to meet Jade and Jordan.

"Bicycle you look horrible" Jade states the obvious and I roll my eyes. "Here you go" She hands me a small bottle of I don't know what and I eye it suspiciously. "Just drink it, it'll make you feel a lot better. Trust me"

I bring the bottle to my lips and I down it all quickly, it doesn't burn my throat as it goes down and I look at it weirdly.

"Alright let's go to school" Jade chirps, smacks the bottle out of my hand and spins on her heels walking ahead of me.

"We're hanging out on the roof today, we wanted to try something a little different" Jordan smirks.

We make our way on to school grounds and I spot Buffy and Andi near the front doors, they flash me a small smile and I walk past looking, straight to the ground.

I walk through the busy school hallway and up the stairs that lead to the roof once we get there I stare at the door. Jade opens the door and I walk out, the door slams shut behind me and I try to open it.

Locked, of course.

I pound on the door causing Jade and Jordan to laugh harder. "We'll be back before lunch, have fun Bicycle"

I give up on knocking and I sigh kicking a few rocks around.

My mom is coming back home today and I'm not looking forward to it, I'm actually thinking I'm ready to come out to her. I'm just afraid of her reaction. What if she kicks me out or something like that? Where am I supposed to go? She's like the only person I have in my life, I pushed Cyrus away.


I miss him so much, you never realize how much you need a person until they're gone. Now he's gone and I feel like trash, trashier than I usually feel.

I begin walking towards the edge of the school roof tears springing to my eyes as I get closer. The bell rings signaling everyone to get to class and I'm stuck on the roof that my so called "friends" locked me on.

I'm alone, all alone. No one cares about me, and I bet no one would even notice me if I was gone.

What if this is a sign? What if I was destined to meet Jade and Jordan so they can lock me on this roof one day? What if I was meant to jump?

A tear rolls down my cheek as I look down at the concrete on the ground.

All you have to do is jump, I take a deep breath and I close my eyes.

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora