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I run my hand through Cyrus's hair as he sleeps, I woke up again from another nightmare and I can't get back to sleep.

Cyrus is keeping me awake, he's in my head. Like I'm happy we're back together but, I also think it's too soon. He may say what we did was even, but I feel like what I did was way worse than what Cyrus did. He kissed a girl to help him figure out his sexuality, I had sex with Jordan because I was mad he kissed a girl, when I can't even be mad because what I did was way worse.

Cyrus shouldn't be able to forgive me, I'm horrible. Like I would never cheat on him again, trust me, but how does he trust me? With all the promises that I broke, he shouldn't be able to trust me. I barely even trust me, I'm Jonah Beck the guy who can never catch a break because I can't never seem to stop listening to the wrong people.

"Go to sleep" Cyrus mumbles and his grip around my waist tightens.

"You go to sleep"

"No, you go to sleep and stop petting me" I stop my hand motions in his hair and I just sit there. "What's up?" He sighs sitting up and grabs my hand.

"Nothing" I lie

"There's always something with you, tell me"

"Do you trust me?" As I turn to look at him he turns away. "Cyrus?"

"Somewhat, you cheated on me and the saying goes. 'Once a cheater always a cheater' and I don't want you to hurt me again"

"Did you lie when you told me you loved me back?" I ask and his silence is enough for me.

Now it's my turn to look away from him when his head snaps in my direction.

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry?" I get out of bed and I look at him. "Why would you even get back together with me if you can't trust me?"

"You've been through a lot Jonah, I just wanted to make you feel better. Don't get me wrong though I like you like a lot, but I just don't know if I can trust you enough to love you, you have to understand I don't want a broken heart"

"I do understand, I just don't understand why you had to lie to me" I storm off and I slam my bathroom door as I walk in locking it.

I knew this was to good to be true, everything was just going to well in my life.

"Jonah open the door, I'm sorry"

I slide down the door completely ignoring him and I place my face in the palm of my hands. Letting my tears fall.

"Please don't cry...shoot what do I do?" I listen to the sound of his footsteps until I can't hear them anymore.

I mean he had good intentions, he didn't want to hurt me. I just think if he would've told me the truth im the first place I wouldn't be hurting this bad.

"Cyrus!" I call out

Something slmas in to the door and I jump a bit.

"Ow my nose. Yes?"

"I think we need a break" I sigh sniffing my nose.

"I don't think we do"

I stand opening the door to see Cyrus.

"We do, you need to be able to trust me again and I need to work on trusting myself"

"Jonah no please, I promised I would never leave you. I'm not leaving you" His eyes begin watering and I feel a pang of jealousy knowing that I'm the reason.

"We can still be friends, you just need time to think"


"Yes, you. I love you Cyrus and as much as you don't want to get hurt by me I don't want to get hurt by you. I know you try your best to keep a smile on my face, but you lying to me about your true feelings isn't keeping a smile on my face"

"Okay fine I don't love you-"

"You could've worded that differently" I sigh

"Sorry, I really really like you but I just don't love you"

"And that's okay, I still think we should be friends for a little while"

"How long is a little while?"

"I don't know, I'll sleep on the couch"

"Jonah?" I try to walk by but Cyrus grabs my wrist "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I think this is the best decision that I made in a while" I say before I walk off leaving Cyrus alone in my room.


"You won't tell anyone right?" My locker gets slammed shut and I trace the hand to come face to face with the Jordan.

I raise my eyebrow at him, signaling him to clarify what exactly he's talking about.

"That I'm you know...not straight" he whispers the last few words.

I give him the 'my lips are sealed' signal and I walk off but he grabs my wrist and yanks me right back.

"Okay so you're obviously still not comfortable with talking to me, so at lunch do you wanna sit together? I want to be friends with you, and not the bad one that gets you in trouble and stuff"

I nod my head yes in response and he smiles which he quickly covers up.

"Okay I have to go, see you later pal" He softly punches my arm and walks away.

Pal? Sounds like something Cyrus would call me when he's nervous. He's so adorably awkward. I just want to kiss his little face, but I can't we're on a break until we can both learn how to trust me.

I think I'm doing quite well actually, I didn't even stop by the alley on my way to school probably because Cyrus was walking with me and Jade and Jordan were no where to be found.

I also think I made a smart decision for once last night, with the whole taking a break thing. A relationship is supposed to be built on trust, and I'm screwing everything up.

I'm actually ready to get my life together.


Okay who saw the season 2 preview before Descendants 2 came on tonight... Jyrus hugged and Jonah gave Cyrus MVP on the Frisbee, and on the back of his Space Otters shirt it said "Vest Bestfriend"

I fangirled so hard.

Oh and when Jona tried to speak to Andi alone and Cyrus tried to stay...


Okay I'll calm down


Xoxo~ T

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt