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I begin to feel uncomfortable staring back at him, and I make an excuse to go to the bathroom.

Once I'm in there I go to the sink and  I splash some water on my face.

I knew I was going to see him I just didn't know how soon, I was hoping to go the whole day without seeing him. We only have one class together and that's gym.

I notice that my hand is shaking, and begin to take deep breaths trying to calm down.

"Bicycle" Jordan smirks at me when he walks into the bathroom, and it feels like my heart stops. "Miss me?"

"Stay away from me, please" I beg and I try to walk past him, so I could leave.

"Not so fast" He grabs my arm and pulls me back, yanking me into one of the stalls locking it. "I missed you, I tried calling you"

"I blocked you" I try to move out of his grip but he puts more force on me, pushing me up against the stall wall.

"Now why would you do that?" He rubs the back of his hand across my cheek and I begin to smell the alcohol on his breath.

"You know why" I say through gritted teeth.

"Hmmm do I?" He kisses my cheek, and he begins to kiss down my neck.

"Stop" I try to push him away with my free hand but he grabs my wrist bringing both of my hands up above my head.

"You like it" He says his hot breath on my neck, before he bites down leaving a mark.

"No I don't" I bring my leg up and I knee him in the crotch, causing him to bend and fall over.

I make my way out of the stall and out of the bathroom, colliding with Cyrus when I get into the hallway.

"Jonah are you-" He stops and touches my neck.

"It's not what it looks like" I say quickly.

"It looks like a hickey, that I didn't leave. Are you cheating on me?"

"You're gonna pay for that" Jordan walks out of the bathroom and places his hand on my shoulder. "Cyrus, what's up?"

"You were with Jordan?" Cyrus asks, his face slowly beginning to turn red.

"Yeah, we were having fun until he ran away. Do you remember Friday night? Now that was fun, we should do it again sometime" Jordan kisses my cheek before he leaves and I stand there.

His words ring in my head "We should do it again sometime" the thought of going through that again scares me, I don't want to go though that again. I don't want to feel vulnerable and so afraid to the point where I can't even move or speak, I don't want to feel helpless.

"So that's what happened last Friday, you were feeling guilty for having sex with Jordan that's why you didn't tell anyone"

"No, it's not like that at all" I begin to walk forward but Cyrus steps back and I stop.

"Then how was it, Jonah? Just tell me"

"I-I can't" I begin to cry and I run my hands through my hair frantically walking back into the bathroom.

"Why can't you tell me? It's been a week now" He follows me into the bathroom.

"Why do you even care, it's not like we were even dating at the time?" I snap.

"I know, but I still feel like you could've told me"

"Well we had sex, okay there's your answer" I throw my hands up in frustration and I cry harder backing up against the wall and sliding down it. "We had sex" I repeat to myself, hoping to erase the reality of what really happened.

Cyrus squats down next to me and places his hand on my knee staring me in the eyes and after a moment he say "You're lying...he rape-"

"SHUT UP!" I push him away from me and I hug my knees rocking back and forth.

"You have to tell someone"

"I c-can't, he'll h-hurt me" I say in between sobs.

"Not once we get the cops involved, we have to tell someone"

"I s-said no"



Memories of that Friday come back into my head in rush, me screaming "no" and him forcing his self on to me.

I start gasping for air, when I find it hard to breathe and my body begins to violently shake.

"Jonah calm down" Cyrus places his hand on my shoulder, and I fall onto him wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into his shoulder.

I sit in his lap, and he rubs my back in soothing circles calming me down.

"It's going to be okay" He whispers and I don't respond, I just sit there crying resting my head on his shoulder, hoping for no one to walk in.


After my little meltdown in the bathroom, Cyrus and I decided that we should just leave school for the day.

Walking hand in hand, on our journey to who knows where Cyrus begins to talk. "My home life isn't that great" he sighs.

I look at him "You don't have to"

"No, I want to. So you know how I told you about my dad wanting me to move in with him?"

I nod my head.

"Well, I found out why recently. My mom is having an affair and she's not very good at hiding it since my dad, step dad, and mom all know. My dad found out who she was having the affair with, a woman. My dad is homophobic and he doesn't want me living with her, he talked about it like it was a disease he said he doesn't want her to rub off on me, he said if I were to ever turn out gay I would be a disgrace"

"I know this isn't as big as your problem, but I just had to get this off my chest. Now I know who not to come out to" He looks down sadly, and kicks a rock.

I notice we're not that far from the park and I begin pulling him in that direction.

"Jonah where are you taking me?"

"You'll see" I smirk, hoping the thing is still there from a few years ago.


Sorry for the long wait, here's what happened.

I had this idea, Cyrus and Jonah were supposed to break up in this chapter then today I go another idea so I erased most of this chapter and rewrote it with a new idea, one that didn't involve breaking up Jyrus.


Xoxo~ T

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