Where It All Began

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Rachel P.O.V:

Where do I start? Hi, my name is Rachel Berry, I am 16 years old and a student at William McKinley High School. I'm, not the most popular girl obviously but I'm not invisible either.

I have a loving boyfriend named, Finn Hudson. He is also 16, and the Captain of the Football team. I'm, not a very girly girl. I love to get my hands dirty and when I saw Finn playing one day, I don't know what happens but something inside me got lighted up. It's liked if I was staring at a god. The way he looked, his style, this tallness, but the most important thing that got me the most, was his SMILE!!! I soon as I saw him I knew I had to make him mine.

I also have a best friend. Santana Lopez is one fiery brunette. A lot of people don't seem to like her because she is very honest and say what's on her mind but that's what I love the most about her.


(walking in the halls)

I hate math class so I decided to skip it. I can't seem to find Finn today. Maybe he skipped school and slept in. I wish he would have told me so I could join him. A thing about Finn is that he never seems to tell me what his move will be. It kinda likes a guessing game with him.

I see Santana and Britney talking near the stairs.

"Santana, Britney I don't know what you have planned tonight but I wanna spend time with my man," I say while sending a text to Finn.

"Ugh, you suck!!! When are you gonna hang out again? All you wanna do is be with that tall loser. I want my fun best friend back. Where is Finn anyway? I haven't seen him all day?" raising her eyebrow.

"I think he stayed home today. Idk but lately he never seems to be in a mood to do anything. Every time I tell him to hang out or go do something, he says that he is tired and goes to sleep. It's really starting to irritate me. " I say while writing another text.

"Maybe he is just tired? Football is not an easy sport. There is a lot of running and hitting." Brittney says while stroking Santana's hair.

"Or he cheating on you and doesn't hang out so he can go to one of his other gifts," Santana says laughing.

"Finn would never cheat on me. We love each other too much and been thru so much. Maybe Britney right. I  have to be understandable. I would see how he is doing later." I say with a sigh.

I say bye to them and walk away. I take my phone out and call Finn but no answer. What if Santana is right?? Nooo, he is just sleeping, I hope.


Finn P.O.V.

I wake up to a buzzing noise on the table. I should get up and see who it is but I'm way too tired to move. It's probably not important. Idk why I'm tired all the time. I try to do very little things but I always end up being exhausted. I guess it a 16-year-old thing to go thru.

Football is my favorite thing to do. Something about it makes me feel alive and happy. And then my beautiful gf too. I still can't believe we are together even though it been almost a year. I mean she is beautiful and smart, really smart, athletic, funny, and at times Sassy.

I remember the day I first saw her. It was at the park and I and the guys were out playing some flag football when my buddy mike through the ball too far and it landed next to her on the ground. She was sitting there reading a book about conspiracies and the ball hit the book and landed next to her.

I remember running to go get it but she signals that she was going to throw it back. And when she did, I was amazed!! I never saw a girl throw a ball so far and perfectly in my life before. I couldn't believe it !! I got the ball and smiled at her and she smiled back at me and waved. And the rest is history.

I checked what time it was and it was 11:34 am. Crap I'm late for school. I mean I can still go but that means I have to get up from these warm covers. Oh well, I am already home might as well stay here. Ah, this is by far the best decision I made all week!

 Ah, this is by far the best decision I made all week!

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Rachel P.O.V.

Finn didn't answer my call. Maybe he is sleeping. It is still kinda early. Sometimes I imagine myself thinking how I get so lucky and sometimes I wish someone would come to sweep me off my feet. I hate being left worrying.

(bell rings)

I'm walking to the lunch area and see Mercedes and Kurt talking in the lunch area. I go over toward them.

"He,y guys, what's up??" I say standing next to them.

"I'm telling Mercedes that she needs to try out for the Cheerios," he says while opening his juice.

"Kurt please them skinny white girls are not ready for all this chocolate thunder." she runs her hands around her curves.

"I think that's a good idea M. You like to dance and you would look killer in the uniform. Maybe Kurt can audition with you?" I say while supporting my chin with my hand.

"Please, I would not be jumping around and getting all sweaty for no one. I care about my looks and go thru too many steps in the morning to look this good. Why don't you audition? You love sports and your bf is the QB. That would be perfect for you." he points his fork at me.

"Where is Finn? He missed English and biology," she asks looking around.

"He overslept and probably still sleeping now. He is pretty tired. And I can't join the Cheerios, I don't have any skills and I would have to take orders from somebody. Not my style!
Well, I gotta run, I'll see you guys later." I grab my phone and wave at them.

Me a Cheerios? I mean I do like their uniforms and I do like to exercise. What no I can't be one! Im is way too self-conscious for that. But maybe I'll think about it.

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