Threesome Reunion

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Puck P.O.V.

Walking the halls looking for Finn. I know he been stressing out and I want to help him out. I miss my bro. Been doing some good cash and have some laying around so why not help him out.

I check every room but can't find him. I know he is around here somewhere. I go the the auditorium and open the door and I see him with someone sitting on his lap making out . I get in quietly and I see he with Rachel. She's back ?

"Rachel you're back?" i yell out scaring them and they get up. "When you get back?" I say walking up to the stage next to them.

"Hey um I got here last night." she says fixing her outfit and hair.

"What are you doing here?" ah come here !!" I ask and go and hug her.

"I just wanted to visit. I miss it here." she says smirking.

"How you been? I haven't talk to you in a while. What you been up too ?" I smile at her.

"Good just a little busy. "

"Yeah I see " I say looking at Finn and he looks away fixes his shirt. "Dude why didn't you tell me she came?" I look at him.

"Well he didn't know, I bump into his mom and thats how he found out. Just wanted to help him out when we saw each other. So what you been up too?" she ask changing the conversation.

"By making out ? Where can I sign up I may need some help later? I'm good I mean I haven't knocked up anyone so I guess I'm pretty good. " I laugh but they don't think thats funny. "You know he's a father now? Two actually. By your enemy and your best friend. Ain't that a punch in the gut?" I say and Finn looks at me like he wants to punch my gut.

"Yes I'm aware and I'm gonna help him get thru it. " She smiles at him and rubs his arm. He looks at her and smiles back.

I see that it's not bugging her what happen and she forgave him. I do have to admit she looks incredibly beautiful. She really grown into a amazing women. I clear my throat.

"So how about i buy you a coffee at our old place. Just the two of us, you know catch up? Sorry Finn but I'm sure your baby mamas need help with something." I say shrugging.

"Wow that's very rude?" she frowns at me..

"I'm kidding, im kidding. We can all go get coffee. My treat. Come on Finn I know you don't have money to spend. " they both stop and look at me.

"I'm kidding !! Okay I'll stop, my bad bro." I laugh and we make our way to the caffe.

At the cafe

"So how's New York? Is it all cold? " I ask stirring my drink.

"Its very cold right now. But it's so beautiful. It truly a dream place. But it's very loney when your alone." she looks down on her drink.

Me and Finn look at each other. "What about Jessie? I thought you guys were an item?" I frown .

She sighs, "well not exactly. I mean I said i would give It a try but he wanted to get serious very quickly. I wasn't ready. It just turned to this controlling, pressuring game and I just couldn't take it. I need to get away for a while."

"Get he hurt you or you know forced you on him. " Finn ask frowning.

"He did try a couple of time but I was able to get out or my dad would come home." looking down I see her frown.

"Ima kill him. If I see him im going to kill him. " I yell out and Finn agrees.

"No its fine, it was bad but he apologize and we decided to just be friends. He the only one I know there. So I don't have a choice." she shruggs.

"I'll move with you. I mean almost done with school and I can just home school or send the work online. I was gonna move somewhere might as well be with someone I know. " I say smiling at her and she smiles back but Finn looks at me annoyed.

"What about football ?" Finn ask firm and annoyed.

"Eh I can just play in a school there. Maybe I'll go to college. Who knows at longest I have someone there to support me." I reach over and run her hand.

"Of course I'll support you. I will support both of you. No matter were we him. I will always be there. I love you guys. " she reaches to Finn hand and holds both of our hands.

"What about you Finn ? Any idea on what your gonna do? Maybe you could join us but with the babies and all. Will you be able to come ?" I ask Finn still trying to keep my hand on Rachel's.

"Um idk, I haven't thought about it. I would like to join you both but probably won't. But have fun, I'll try to visit." he fake smiles and plays with his straw.

I feel bad for him. He's my bro and I was just trying to get under his skin. I know he loves her and I do too but deep down I know they will end up together. I just wanted to mess with him. There's has to be something I can do to lift some weight off his shoulders. I miss him and I miss her. I need to find a way.

"We can't leave you here all by yourself. It won't be the same without you. We need to be together. I don't want to leave either of you behind." she looks at us and I can tell she meants it.

"I help you." i suddenly say. They both look at me confused.
" I will help you. I know it's been kinda hard these few months. At first it was funny to me. But I see how much more overwhem and distant and out of it you been. And it kinda breaks my heart to see you struggle. I feel like it's kinda my fault for pressuing you to sleep with them. I know Rachel I'm sorry but we are guys and that's what we do. But this time it got a little to far. I don't want to see you like that bro. I wanna help out. I miss you and hanging out with you. Today the first time I actually get to see you for more than a minute before your jobs. It feels nice. And the fact we are all here together is the best. Got my best bro and the girl of my dreams right here. Im happy. So to start I will help you with giving you a little something to lift some weight off you. I won't take no for an answer. You don't have to pay me back. And if you need a babysitter me and Rachel will do a little 80s movie babysitting. (wink and her) and no matter if you end up with Quinn or Santana or both I wouldn't judge. If not then I won't either. Just know I got your back no matter what. Got love for you bro . " I pat his shoulder.

"Man, I don't know what to say." Finn says with his voice cracking a bit.

"Its cool bro don't have to say anything or thank me. We good. Just stay away from my girl please. She's mine. " we all laugh. I feel so good helping him out. I ain't that much of an ass I guess.

Rachel Looks at me and smiles widely, I pull her in and we hug tightly. " thank you for this, you don't know how much he appreciate it. You are honeslty a true friend. I love you Noah." she whispers in my ear and then kisses my cheek.

"I love you more" I whispers back and
Kiss her forhead. I am a good person. I'm a badass, I'm number wah.

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