"Wait No!"

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Finn pov

I woke up in the couch and I have the biggest headache. Groaning at the pain I sit up. Feeling the room spinning I get the urge to vomit and I run to the kitchen sink. I rinse it out and rinse my mouth too. Grabbing a water bottle I swirled it in my mouth and spit it out. I realize im in a suit and don't know why. Did I go to work? I head to the room and it's locked. I got to Pucks room and he is not there. I look at my watch and its 10 am. I hear movement on the other side of the door and Puck comes out and I frown. "what you doing in there ?" I ask and he looks at me with anger. "youre such an asshole you know that." he walks past me and hits me with his shoulder. Just as I was going to ask what he is talking about Rachel walks out yawning. I smile and go to her. "hey babe" I say and she looks at me and keeps walking. "okay whats is going on here? Why you guys so mad so early?" I ask and she scoffs. "like I said bro your such an asshole." Puck says again and Rachel chuckes.

"what is your Problem?" I ask him.

"I told you last night Finn. I want you out of my house. I don't care where you go and who you go with but get out. We are officially over." she says seriously and I feel my heart break.

"WAIT NO? What? No baby what are you talking about? I don't know what's going on. Please don't leave me whatever i did im so so sorry. Don't do this please." I beg her almost in tears.

"Your begging isn't going to work this time. You know Finn all these years and you wait till now to tell me the truth about how you feel about me. I wasted so much time believing you felt the same. You told me you would never hurt me again. You SWORE!! But you know what it's fine. I finally know the real truth and you can go back to your family like you always wanted. I'm so stupid for believing you. I should of listen to my dad and let you go. I feel like such a fool." she starts walking away and I reach for her hand and feel a sting right on my face. I hold my cheek and realize she had slap me. "dont touch me." she tells me with hatred and walks away.

I stay standing there holding my face and completely confused. Turning to Puck as he eats cereal. "bro what the hell is going on?" I ask and he shakes his head. "you don't remember calling Quinn and telling her you wish you were with her and she makes your life complete ?" he says and I don't remember. "i would never do that Im in love with Rachel. I don't want Quinn." I say so confused. He takes out his phone and plays a video. He gives it to me and walks away.

I watched the video and fall to the couch in shock. It's not true. I don't feel anything for Quinn. Everything I was describing was Rachel. Quinn has a horrible voice. She can't sing to save her life. I was talking about Rachel. To see her facial expressions killed me. I have to tell her the truth.  

"rachel!! Rachel! I wasn't talking about Quinn. I was talking about you. I swear on everything I love that I was talking about you. I don't care about her. I love you Rachel. I'm in love with you and only you. Please you got to believe me please." my voice brakes at the end.

She opens the door and leans on it. "baby please you got to believe me. It was you." she looks sadly "dont bother showing up at work,  ill be taking over. As of right now your fired. You can get your stuff but you have to leave before tomorrow. Ill deal with the rest. I loved you Finn. I truly truly did but we can't do this to ourselves. Thank you for those times you were truthful and really felt you loved me. Just know I have never ever lied about how I felt. Who knows what would happen later in life but I do know I don't want to spend it with you. I don't want to be your girlfriend, fiance, or wife. I don't want to be your friend either. Just stay away." with that she slams the door in my face and I break down and drop to the floor.

"why you do tha to her bro? After everything we just went thru and now that she is finally coming back from it you pull something like this. That's fuck up man I didn't think you'll be so cruel." Puck says behind me and I get up.

"i wasn't talking about Quinn. It was her I was describing. I haven't been with Quinn that way to make love to her. I have only seen her twice and Rachel was here to see that nothing happen. All I did was hug her goodbye and that's it. I would never hurt her like that. I swore that I wouldn't hurt her and I didn't. I was wasted man. I know I said it but wasn't talking about Quinn. Please help me fix this please." I beg him.

"what am I supposed to do? I was there when you said those things. I told her I didn't want to get in between this and didn't want to get involved but to be truthful you said it like you definitely meant it. All I can do is be there for you both and that's it. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told her. I had hopes for you both but if it's not meant to be it's not. You belong with Quinn. She is obviously always the source of the problems so maybe that's just who you need to be with and set Rachel free. It's gonna suck but that's how is should be. I'm sorry." he tells me with a sympathetic look.

"what am I gonna do now. I don't have a job, I don't have my girl, I don't have nothing. I'm nothing." I say trying to hold my tears.

"you have you and that's far the best thing as far as im concern. You going to have you." Rachel says wiping her tears. I quickly turn around to face her.

"Noah can we go now. He has a lot to do." she says and I break down. They head out the door. "you said you would never break up with me." I yelled out and she stops. Turning to face me she full of tears. "i never thought you make me feel like this again. Bye Finn Hudson." she closes the door and I run to the door. "RACHEL, RACHEL PLEASE!!" I yell out from the door but they walk away. I go back in and cry the hardest I ever cried. I'm so confused on everything that's happening. I take my phone out and call my mom and she answers happy. "hi honey." I break down. "hey what's wrong? What's going on?" she ask.

"Rachel broke up with me and kicked me out. She thinks im still in love with Quinn but im not. I don't know what to do. I have to move out all my stuff by tonight. I can't, I can't I don't want to leave." I say sobbing.

"just get what you really need and you can come here. We will figure this out together. It's going to be okay. I promise it is. Gets some stuff and I'll meet you in the train station okay. It's going to be okay. I'll see you soon." she hangs up and I get up to pack some stuff. After im done I look around I lose it again. How can I screw up this? I had everything I can ask for and I screw it up. I go to the baby room and grabs all the toys and things from there and bag it up. Putting my coat from last night I feel something in my pocket and reach in there to see. I take it out and it's the gift I was going to give her. I had it all planned out and spend the whole day making sure everything was perfect for her and it didn't happen. She was supposed to be my wife not my ex. I should of never had those drinks. Wiping me tears I head to our room and grab the picture of us next to the bed. We looked so happy. I'll give anything to get that back.

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