The Man In the Helmet

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After I left Finn house I was pretty upset. I just drove around to blow off some steam. I waiting at a red light when I see this little cafe that's new. I decided to pull in because I didn't have lunch today. I get off the car and walk inside. It's a cute place. It's small but they have a lot of varieties to choose from. They're not that many people here so I don't have to wait long. I order my coffee and sit on this empty table. I see this motorcycle pull up but I don't pay any mind to it. I get my drink to sit on a table facing the window and just think about Finn.

Puck P.O.V.

I pull in on this random cafe I see and get down. I'm not hungry but something telling me to come here so what the hell. I'm not a regular coffee drinker but I do like the rush of it at times. See I'm not like other 16-year-old lame kids. I'm a badass and everything I do screams awesomeness. I'm from Los Angeles and I recently moved here to Lima because my mom wanted to get away. L.A. is a high-speed place. Lights, famous ppl, parties, Tacos!!! They have the best tacos I ever tasted in my life.

But now I have to start all over again here in this loser place. I start school tomorrow and this school called WMHS. Sounds boring already. I just hope it has football because that is my favorite thing to do.

I walk in and go to the counter and push a bell so I can be served. I'm looking around the place while leaning on the counter. When I see this beautiful girl sitting by herself. I try to make eye contact but it seems like she is lost in her thoughts. I order my drink and pay the guy. I go to an empty table and I can't keep my eyes away from her. I feel like seen her before but I don't remember. I just moved here so there is no way we know Each other. The more I stare at her the more she looks familiar.

And then bam it hit me like a slap in the face. It's the girl from the car!! The one that was singing!!! I smile.

I start thinking to myself if I should go speak to her. She seems a little sad, maybe I can cheer her up. Idk what to do. "Ok, Puckerman you can do this. let's go." I say to myself.

I walk right next to her table

"Excuse me, Miss, are you okay? You seem a lil down?" I asked standing next to her. But she didn't answer me. So I ask her again but I tap her shoulder.

"ooh I'm sorry, am I on your table? Don't worry I was just leaving." She says, getting her things together.

"No its fine I was just asking if you are okay? You seem a lil down." I say softly.

"Oh um yeah, I, I was just thinking about some stuff," I say sadly while looking down.

"I know I'm a total stranger but you can talk to me if you want. I like to think I'm a good listener." I say proudly.

"That's very sweet Sir, but you don't want to hear about my teenage problems," I say looking up at him. I then realized that he wasn't an old guy. He looks like he is my age. He is pretty cute actually. I love his mohawk. Makes him look badass.

"I actually don't mind listening. And nobody has ever called me sir before, I like it." I say laughing a lil while sitting in the chair next to her.

She smiles at me and starts spinning her phone on the table.

P: "so what wrong? Talk to me" I say sitting up straight and giving her my full attention.

She stops her phone and just sigh

R: "It's just idk." sigh " I feel like my boyfriend doesn't like me anymore." she says sadly.

R: "I mean, we been together for almost a year and every day it seems like we are drift more apart. I do anything I can to try to make him happy but it's like he doesn't appreciate it." she says while looking out the window.

P: "what makes you say that? Doesn't he shows you he loves you?" I say frowning

She leans back on the chair and starts to chip her nail polish off

R: "NO, no he doesn't, I mean um not any more" I start to get teary eyes.

P: "ooh well um, that's sucks." I say unsure " if I had a gf like you, I would always show you love and appreciation every day. And if you don't mind me saying, but you are the most beautiful girl I ever saw. Seriously"I say while trying to look in her eyes but she still facing down.

She looks at me and smirks and me

R: " thank you that's very sweet of you to say. But I think I'm gonna get going now it's getting late. Umm thanks for listening and for what you said. I feel a lil better." she says while getting up and starts walking away.

I just smile and I sit there thinking I'm glad I made her feel better. I am awesome. I then notice her phone was on the table. I jump up and run towards the door and starts yelling, "Hey your phone!!!!!" but I couldn't see her anymore. Damn now her day is definitely ruined.

I look at it and the lock screen is a picture of her and this tall guy wearing a football jersey. That has to be the loser boyfriend. What does she see in him he not even a stud like me?

I try to see if I can have a way to contact her but its locked. I can't see anything but this stupid photo. I sigh and put the phone in my pocket and get on my bike and drive away. What a great way to start having a new life here.

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