Monkey Business

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Puck P.O.V.

"I know it hurts but you did the right thing. It wasn't a good time to be together right now. Him having babies and you living in New York, there was no way it was going to work out. You both needed time and you leaving might of gave you that but you came back to it being worst. Maybe its a sign that its just not meant to be?" I say to Rachel and she is wiping her tears away.

"I know but I just love him so much. I came here to work everything out. I was ready to only be committed to just him. Even when I had Jessie all I could think about was him. I should of known that something was wrong when he send me that hateful message. I should of never wasted my time coming here. It was crazy of me to think it would be better But you're right it is much worst now. Plus I know Quinn wouldn't let us be happy. She didn't let us before and why would she now." She scoffs and shakes her head. "You know i don't think I'll never get over them being a family. That was supposed to be me. We were supposed to be family. I think from everything he been putting or has put me through, that's the worst part." She says and starts crying again.

I feel so guilty. Its my fault I ruined everything. I should of never let him go with her. I should of never took him drinking. If I could take it back I would. "I'm sorry Rachel. Its all my fault this all happened. I made him come drinking with me and when she showed up I made them be together and when we came back to my house. I encourage them when I heard them having sex. I should of stopped it. I knew he was down and vulnerable and I took advantage of it. I didn't know about the santana thing but you can blame it on me too." I blurt out and she just stayed quiet.

"Its not your fault. He's a grown man he made his choice. He could of stop himself, well at least with me he would. I don't blame you." She says looking at her hands.

We get to my house and I help her to my room. I try to clean some stuff up and fixing my covers and open the window. "Sorry for the mess. I don't always have company." I say still throwing everything to one side.

"Its okay I seen worst." She sits on my bed and I can't help but feel bad. "You know I always wanted you for me but I can tell you really love him. I can try to fix everything if you want?" I ask sitting next to her.

" no its better like this. I need to forget about it. The sooner I forget about him the faster I'll get over it. Who knows maybe I'll never come back here." She shurds.

"What about me? You can't leave me here." She laughs quietly. " of course not I'm gonna take you with me remember." We laugh until her phone starts ringing and she sees that's its Finn. She ignores it and turns her phone off. I get up to go get more blankets in the hall and my phone rings and I see its him. I ignore it and it rings again.

"Hello?" I answer low so Rachel won't hear.

" what the fuck man? Seriously just going to take her away from me? I thought we were cool now. And taking her to your house?" Finn yells out.

"Whoo I didn't know she was staying here until she said it. And im not taking her away from anyone. I'm not gonna throw her out. Im just helping out." I lied trying to stay calm too.

" how do I know that? You probably trying to take advantage of her. Is that why you kept being with her today?  You told her to leave me didn't you. She would of never leave me unless she was convinced." He yells out.

"I didn't say anything to her. I wouldn't do that to you both. I fucking felt bad for the both of you. I even try to change her mind after,  you dipshit. But you got  two fucking chicks pregnant. How the fuck do you think she was going to react? That's serious shit. If it was her you would of reacted the same way. I rooted for the both of you to be together. I told you I wasn't going to get involved if she choose you. And she fucken did. She flew all the was over here to work things out with you. She wanted to be committed to you. And you and commit to a fucking whore. You told me you were gonna propose to Rachel not Quinn. Are you fucken stupid? You know what a slap in the face that is? And for Quinn to rub it in her face? I'm not surprised she left your ass. You dont fucking deserve her. And you trying to win her back will just back fire on you. Just do her a favor and leave her the fuck alone and go be with you pregnant fiancee. Let her be happy for once and worry about you fucken self. You lost!! Now go live with that shit you fucking douchbag!!!" I hang up and I feel my blood rushing. It felt good say that. I stand there for a second until I hear a sound behind me. I turn around and Rachel standing by the door way.

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