Birthday Surprises

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Today is my 17th birthday! I should be excited but i feel strange. It's like if im a whole different person. I'm getting ready for school i walk by the mirror and it makes me double take. I go back to the mirror and stare at myself. I look at my hair and clothes. I need a new look !!

I walk to my closet and try to find something nice. I take everything out my closet and go thru each piece. Nothing but long baggy shirts and leggings.

I look at the clock and i still have some time for school. Should i go get something new? i think to myself. I grab a shirt thats looks kinda cute but it has a big ketchup or bbq sauce stain idk what it is. I grab my keys and go out the door.

I go to the first store i see and immediately walk to where they have the cute flirty clothing. I feel a little out of place and uncomfortable but i know this is what i need. I look around and everything is so.. revealing!! I see this black blouse that looks like a corset and i fell in love. I put it against my self and look in the mirror Im guessing it looks good.

"Excuse me, do you need help?" a blonde girl ask me.

"Um i think so. Im turning 17 today and i want a new look. Something different and out if my comfort zone." i say scratching my head and looking around.

She looks at me up and down and shakes her head. "If you dont mind me saying so myself but you look like a homeless little boy. You are in need of a desperate make over." she says smirking at me while crossing her arms.

I get really uncomfortable and look at myself in the mirror. I need help I say out loud. "Can you make me look sexy or better than this?" I say desperately looking at her.

"It be a tough mission but I think i might be able to help. you like that black top right? well I got the perfect bottom just for it. while I go get some pieces why don't you put your hair down and fix it a little." she says and walks away.

I Slowly walk to the dressing rooms and wait. I stare at myself while taking my hair down. do i really look that bad? I ask myself. I look at my outfit and she right I look awful. I noticed I had in a rip tshirt and stain sweats, my hair is tangled in a half bun, no makeup, And the worst is that i have 2 different types of shoes on. how can I let myself be like this. yet again how can anyone look at me. I'm such a joke.

I hear a knock on the door and it breaks my thought. I open the door and reach for the clothes but she moves it out the way and walks in with me, "uh uh honey you need me in here with you trust me. lets get started."

×2 hour later in school×

I get to school super late. Im really nervous on what everyone is gonna say. I just hope no one laughs at me. I open my viser mirror in my car and look at myself. I take a deep breath and smile. I close the mirror and get out the car. Okay here goes nothing. I got this.

I walk in and i have my head up high and everyone has thier eyes on me and whispering. I'm walking to my locker and some of the football players start whistling at me."Damn girl you the hottest babe I ever seen. What's your name baby?" one of them yells out.

I turn around and say, "oh I'm Rachel Berry. Eat your heart out boys. " I say and turn right around and keep walking. Its actually nice to have attention. So this is what pretty girls feel like. I keep walking when I bump into Puck. He just said sorry and was about to walk away when he stop and turn and look at me again. I see his eyes widen as he looks at me up and down. "Hi" I say and he just stares at me lust.

He doesn't say Anything but stare at me. I guess he still mad at me so i just look at him and walk away. I'm kinda sad he is. We get along so good and i kinda miss him. Oh well i need to find Finn. I wonder if he will recognize me.

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