Time after time

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3 months later.

Finn POV

I walk in the house with a handful of groceries and bags. I place them on the table and start putting them away. It's been a hard 3 months especially after the funeral but it seems to be getting better now. Work been good and I really enjoy it. Rachel still hasn't been there but I'm not pressuring her. Puck and I been on top of everything and our relationship gotten closer. I don't think I could of done all this without him.

I finish with the groceries and wipe down the counter. We still keep our same cleaning rules just as her dad used to. It's the least we can do.  Nothing really changed here and we didn't really celebrate holidays but I try to do my best and support her until she is ready. I go to our room and she's not there. I grab my phone and call her but she doesn't answer. I sigh and go work on the couch with papers.

A couple of hours later I hear the door open and she walks in with puck behind her and a huge tree. I get up and help him. "what's this ?" I say pulling the tree up.  "she wanted a tree so we got it." Puck says stretching his arms in pain. "i thought maybe we can celebrate Christmas. It's been sad lately and wanted to change that. We didn't celebrate Thanksgiving so we can try again with Christmas." she says and I half-smile at her and hug her.

"where should we put it?" I ask and she thinks about it and points at the window. I pick it up and place it right in front. We step back and look at it and smile. "its perfect. All we need is to decorate it." she says yawning. I kiss her head and she hugs me. "you guys hungry? I got some groceries ?"  I ask and they nod yes. I go to the kitchen and prep some food for us and make it. She fixes the plates on the table and Puck helps clean.

We eat our food and talk about our day. When we're done I clean up and they go relax. It's pretty early but they look exhausted. I tell them to go lay down and they agree and go to their room. I get back go work and can't help but look at the tree. I smile at the fact we are slowly moving forward and getting back to ourselves. I decide to surprise them with Christmas stuff and go out and buy everything I can find.

Once I get home I place everything in the living room. I grab stuff and put it where I think would look good. Wrapping the tree with lights and ornaments, I grab the stockings and hang then up. I smile at the as I got one for each and her dad. I keep decorating and think about their reaction when they get up. I just hope it's not to much too soon. Feeling proud of what I done I sit down and admire all the lights and decorations all over the room. I'm so glad we can do this.

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I Love You But I Think I Need Him TooWhere stories live. Discover now