♡ hi

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There wasn't a meet-cute. There was never a moment when she tripped and fell into his arms or accidentally said the right flirtatious thing in the right moment. He never looked at her and became instantly smitten or used the right, perfectly horrible pickup line.

It was, in fact, far more gradual. She saw him around, but she never really gave him a second glance or a third.

In an uncharacteristically kind twist of fate, though, it just so happened that some friends of his happened to be friends of hers.

He learned her name.

She learned his name.

A friendship bloomed. She wasn't his best friend or anything, but the gravitational pull from her orbit seemed to keep pulling him closer without his quite noticing. They went to all the same places. All their people were the same.

But there still wasn't an official meeting, nor was there an official cuteing.

There were, however, lots of inconspicuous glances and awkward smiles. There was an attraction, barely noticeable at first, that grew larger and warmer and stronger in the days and weeks and months that passed them by.

Those glances from across the room became gazes from a few feet away. The awkward smiles became confident and, eventually, downright flirtatious.

The pull between her and him was sweet and real and slow. He was afraid to act upon it, though. Those slow-spreading tingles that danced through her veins every time she looked at him made him feel so strong that he didn't want to open his mouth and risk having to live the rest of his life without them.

It continued, that gradual attraction.

The gazes from a few feet away and occasional flirtatious smiles became him rushing to sit beside her and their arms and thighs brushing against each other from time to time. The tingles rose to the surface with each and every accidental touch, though here still weren't very many words being shared.

Finally, abruptly and unexpectedly, he faced her. His eyes met hers on purpose. He looked at her deliberately, looking directly at her eyes and holding her attention hostage. "Hi." His voice was a hug.

Her heart fluttered as a grin spread across his face and his eyes crinkled at the corners. "Hi." 

moments ♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat