Chapter seventy one

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Capri sun 🍑: hey do y'all have any bananas?

FinahDinah 👑: mila, it's like 2 am. Why are you still up?

Capri sun 🍑: because I'm a pregnant bitch who's craving bananas that's why.

Baby daddy: well camz, I don't have any bananas right now because you ate them all when you came over

Normoney 💵: yeah you ate mine also

Capri sun 🍑: Ally! Please tell me you have a banana!

Holychild 🙏: No I don't have any. I'm sorry, mila

Capri sun 🍑: gosh, now I have to wake up Ariana to get me some

FinahDinah 👑: no I'll bring you some, just wait like ten minutes

Capri sun 🍑: yay! Thanks cheechee

Baby daddy: you gotta start buying the rack of bananas, camz

Capri sun 🍑: I try to but Ariana says no because she thinks I won't eat them all and that I'll leave them to waste

FinahDinah 👑: but you eat like 10 bananas in one sitting tho

Normoney 💵: damn that's alot of bananas

Holychild 🙏: I'm off to bed, I'll see you girls tomorrow.

FinahDinah 👑: alright goodnight, ally.

Baby daddy : goodnight, smalls

Normoney 💵: night night, bitch

Capri sun 🍑: goodnight, Ally.

Baby daddy: I'm bored let go skinny dipping

FinahDinah 👑: I'm down

Normoney 💵: sounds awesome let's go

Capri sun 🍑: I'll eat my bananas while you guys do it.


So the girls are best friends again! Yay!

Comment y'alls name because I wanna write Camila's & I wedding chapter and many of you were invited, so you guys will be apart of my wedding 😊

Don't forget to vote and comment xoxo

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