Chapter ninety five

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Baby daddy: y'all I just woke up in the hospital! What the fuck? My arm is broken.

Capri sun 🍑: damn it's been like a day already, what kind of medicine did they give you?

FinahDinah 👑: my punch was the medicine lmao

Normoney 💵: Lauren you're a fucking crazy ass bitch

Baby daddy: what'd I do?

Holychild 🙏: you don't remember?

Baby daddy: no I just remembered us being in the elevator then I sorta blacked out

Capri sun 🍑: you lost it, Lauren

FinahDinah 👑: we all saw you lose it and I was very scared of you

Baby daddy: what did I do?

Normoney 💵: you killed Don

Baby daddy: nuh uh, Don is in jail.

Holychild 🙏: no, he's in the morgue of the hospital because he's dead, Lauren. You killed him

Baby daddy: how! Am I gonna go to jail?

Capri sun 🍑: you kept punching him & punching him, he had blood coming out his whole face, it was horrible.

FinahDinah 👑: Harry pulled you off and I knocked you out

Holychild 🙏: that was the only way to stop you

Baby daddy: oh my gosh, did Y/n see me?

Normoney 💵: yes, we had Grayson trying to distract her but she saw everything

Baby daddy: she probably thinks I'm a monster!

Capri sun 🍑: no she doesn't, she loves you no matter what.

Baby daddy: what if this is the last straw? I killed her ex boyfriend!

Holychild 🙏: ok and? He deserved it

Normoney 💵: if I were you I'd visit y/n, she's down the hall from you.

Baby daddy: what if she's scared of me?

FinahDinah 👑: at least try, she hasn't spoken to anyone. Not even Harry or her mom.

Holychild 🙏: She didn't even talk to Candice & you know how she can get Y/n to talk but she couldn't

Baby daddy: fine, I guess I'll talk to you girls later then

Capri sun 🍑: just know that we love you Lauren

FinahDinah 👑: yeah

Holychild 🙏: we'll be by your side no matter what

Normoney 💵: always gonna love you....bitch


I'm so disgusted at the world we live in, it's sad 😔

I just want world peace

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