Chapter ninety eight

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Baby daddy: do you guys have any cough syrup?

FinahDinah 👑: yeah why?

Baby daddy: Jordan has a cold & I ran out but I can't go get any

Holychild 🙏: why?

Baby daddy: I forgot what flavor he likes, usually y/n would give him the medicine.

Capri sun 🍑: I remember when my mom & dad had to hold me down and shove that in my mouth because I wouldn't take it and I'd usually kick

Normoney 💵: dat shit nasty asf

Holychild 🙏: I didn't mind it when I was younger

Baby daddy: nah I get my ass whooped if I didn't take it

FinahDinah 👑: ok I got banana, cherry, bubblegum, grape & cinnamon

Capri sun 🍑: I want the banana one

Normoney 💵: you're not sick, mila

Capri sun 🍑: I have morning sickness

Holychild 🙏: I don't think that's good for your baby

Baby daddy: yeah camz, you would probably just drink it for the flavor lol

FinahDinah 👑: I'll just bring all of them so he can choose

Normoney 💵: I need a girlfriend!

Capri sun 🍑: Lmao okay, I'll hook you up with one of my friends

FinahDinah 👑: Y'all bunch of loners

Baby daddy: I'm not

Holychild 🙏: yeah you are

Baby daddy: no I have y/n

Normoney 💵: she's with Harry

Capri sun 🍑: yeah remember they're engaged

Holychild 🙏: wait... is my ship coming back or what?

Baby daddy: he's breaking up with her

FinahDinah 👑: what? Imma beat his ass. No one beaks my best friends heart

Capri sun 🍑: I thought you were my best friend?

FinahDinah 👑: I am & I love all of you but I look out for y/n more

Normoney 💵: such a nice friend

Baby daddy: I kinda like the fact that my son likes wearing girl clothes, I find it so adorable 😍

Normoney 💵: I know right! half the time he has better clothes brands than me!

Holychild 🙏: his acrylic nails are better than mine

Capri sun 🍑: it's like a mini Lauren! I remember when we were fetuses in X factor, you wore girly clothes now you wear whatever you're comfortable in.

FinahDinah 👑: oh yeah I remember that. She used to wear thongs lol

Normoney 💵: she'd wear makeup also

Holychild 🙏: my baby has grown out of that & became a parent. I'm such a proud mom

Baby daddy: tanks 😆

FinahDinah 👑: we should be on our way let me just stop by sephora

Normoney 💵: why?

Capri sun 🍑: you gonna buy me makeup?

FinahDinah 👑: no I'm gonna buy my god son some makeup

Baby daddy: you spoil him too much & so does his mother

Capri sun 🍑: you & Mani spoil Amelia too much as well

Baby daddy: because that's my baby

Normoney 💵: yeah she's my god daughter, I always gotta make sure she's on fleek

Holychild 🙏: Camila ima spoil your daughter when she arrives

Capri sun 🍑: nooooo, Ari does and she's not even born yet. You should take a look at her nursery.

Baby daddy: lol its fun spoiling your kids

FinahDinah 👑: yeah until they turn into a little bitch & become disrespectful.

Normoney 💵: I will whoop a kids ass, I don't care how old they are.

Capri sun 🍑: Ally remind me not to let Mani around my child

Holychild 🙏: alright


I'm so pissed rn 😒

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