chapter seventy two

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Baby daddy: y'all better hurry back to the car if not I'm leaving y'alls naked asses here

Normoney 💵: I will break your arm again if you do

FinahDinah 👑: Bitch I will tackle you butt ass naked

Capri sun 🍑: and y'all leave me behind? Wow what good friends you are

Baby daddy: well waddle yo ass faster

FinahDinah 👑: I'm hungry let's go get McDonald's

Normoney 💵: ooooo that sounds good

Capri sun 🍑: I have to get back home if not Ariana will be worried

Baby daddy: y'all been married for like 3 years and she still gets worried?

FinahDinah 👑: I'd be worried too, do you know how dumb mila is? The bitch would mistake a zombie for a human and ask it if it wants some water lmao

Normoney 💵: that so true lol

Capri sun 🍑: no it's not & I'm not dumb

Baby daddy: camz, you didn't eat the watermelon seeds for months because you thought that they'd grown inside you

FinahDinah 👑: omg I'm dead 😂

Normoney 💵: even Ally knows that's not true

Capri sun 🍑: shut up and let's go eat some chicken nuggets

FinahDinah 👑: though you didn't want any?

Capri sun 🍑: I changed my mind let's go


Y'all so quick to make assumptions that Camila is pregnant with Lauren's baby and it has me dying 😂😂

She's not pregnant with her baby, she's pregnant with Ariana's since they're married. There's something called a sperm donor lol

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