Swear Jar

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Wanda - Hey Steve, what's with the Jar in the kitchen

Steve - oh yeah that's the swear jar

Tony - the what

Steve - Swear Jar

Clint - okay, DAD

Natasha - Steve, what the **** is going on?

Clint - the h-word Nat! Put money in the Jar!

Natasha - the what now

Natasha - STEVE

Steve - you guys swear a ton! Its not healthy


Tony - okay two year old

Clint - hey! 😠

Tony - I call it like I see it

Clint - I hate you

Wanda - you say that so much I'm starting to think its actually how you say I love you

Tony - lol, yes

Clint - ....

Natasha - back on topic

Tony - yeah. Steve, u can't mother us.

Steve - or can I? I think I can. Nat, two bucks in the jar

Natasha - but steveeeee

Steve - no buts.

Clint - hahaha

Tony - what's so funny

Wanda - nothing. Clint's just being a child

Clint - 😞

Tony - isn't he always?

Clint - u should NOT be talking stark

Tony - oh I'm so offended! We r back to last names!

Steve - Sarcasm detected.

Tony - Steve u r getting good at this

Steve - that's BC I have a good teacher

Tony - aw thanks!

Steve - ....

Natasha - he was talking to me

Tony - pfft, I'm a better teacher

Natasha - oh like ______ you r


Natasha - ug.

Natasha - can I get a free pass?

Steve - fine, sweetie, but just this once 😉

Natasha - thanks, babe. 

Tony - that is soooooo gross

Tony - and you r such a cheater.

Tony - using Steve like that

Tony - wow nat

Clint - now whose the two year old? Huh? Not me!

Steve - totally you

Natasha - yeah, still you!

Wanda - yep. You.

Clint - I hate my life.

Tony - nah, you love it

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