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Tony: I'm literally so done with quarantining 

Nat: honestly same

Tony: so we should do something

Steve: guys its literally 3 in the morning go to sleep

Tony: I like how u say that like its actually going to happen

Steve: well a guy can dream

Nat: ik what we could do

Steve: nat no

Tony: nat YES

Nat: we could teach Steve some new lingo...we haven't taught him any in a while

Steve: I already know all of it

Tony: that is NOT true

Steve: its the constantly thinking that I'm incredibly stupid and naive for me

Nat: O_O

Tony: its the yelling 'language' for me

Steve: its the constant texting at 3am for me

Nat: its the SWEAR BLOCKER for me

Tony: dang it nat I was gonna say that

Steve: its the threatening to kill everyone for me

Tony: its the red, white, and blue tights for me

Steve: its the ENORMOUS ego for me

Nat: its the dressing like a grandpa for me

Steve: its the month long relationship with bruce for me

Tony: oh dang

Tony: he went there

Nat: its the dating your dead girlfriends niece for me

Tony: ...

Tony: I feel like this has crossed some lines

Tony: but keep going

Steve: im kind of scared to continue tbh

Nat: yeah watch yourself

Steve: but its the only using kind of useless hand guns for me

Nat: u did NOT just say what I think u just sad

Tony: Steve

Tony: Steve run and hide

Tony: run far far away

Tony: don't look back

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