Peter and Shuri

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Peter: So I have an idea

Shuri: Already did it, sucker

Peter: You don't even know what it is!

Shuri: Exactly.

Peter: That doesn't make any sense

Shuri: We are just that much more advanced than you. Any idea you have has already been done

Peter: Ouch

Shuri: but its true

Peter: Is not

Shuri: Then come up with an idea that I haven't

Peter: You didnt even listen to my idea yet

Peter: You just assumed you had already done it

Shuri: And assumed correctly ;)

Peter: i hate u

Shuri: no u don't

Shuri: im like, ur best friend

Shuri: not that u have any others

Peter: I have Ned!

Shuri: -_-

Shuri: yes, that's sooooo many people

Peter: i just don't need a lot of friends

Shuri: more like, nobody likes u except for me and that weirdo

Peter: Mr. Stark does!

Shuri: ...

Peter: ok, fine, he doesn't count

Shuri: oh u poor white boy...Just another one I have to help

Peter: there's another white boy

Shuri: well he's a very sad, very old white man

Peter: what even Shuri

Shuri: and there was that other oldish white man that i saved from death

Peter: u have an issue

Shuri: i do, i really do

Shuri: i need help peter

Shuri: But not from u

Shuri: you'd probably kill me tbh

Peter: why r we even friends?

Shuri: wait, we're friends?

Peter: :(

Shuri: jk, jk

Peter: I need better friends

Peter: that don't bully me

Shuri: I don't bully u

Peter: shuri, u literally send me a picture of you flipping me off like 10 times a day

Shuri: :)))))))))))

Shuri: thats how i show my love peter

Shuri: don't judge me

Peter: How is that showing love?!

Shuri: don't question it

Peter: I question everything about u

Shuri: im a very mysterious person

Peter: yeah...mysteriously EVIL

Shuri: true tho

Shuri: btw peter, u suck at roasting

Peter: i know :(

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