Valentine's Day

645 24 11

(A/N): This is a Clintasha ship. I haven't done one on this yet

Tony: so i have an idea

Tony: that u guys possibly won't hate

Steve: that is literally impossible

Natasha: and we have proof

Tony: kay, 1st of all, u guys suck

Tony: 2nd of all, this is actually good

Bruce: thats what u said last time tho

Wanda: hey, at least its not 3 in the morning

Clint: very true

Clint: this time its 5

Bruce: yeah, he's making progress

Tony: u guys r so rude

Tony: here's my idea

Tony: so today is valentines day and we should all go on like a quadruple date

Steve: thats....

Natasha: a scary but entertaining idea?

Steve: yeah

Clint: i was thinking it was a terrible idea

Clint: but whatevs

Clint: i mean, i have nothing else to do

Steve: i don't have a date tho

Clint: cant say i have that problem

Tony: me neither

Thor: u guys need to stop blowing up my phone.

Thor: but yes, i too have a date

Steve: geez i feel so much better guys, thanks

Natasha: u can just be a third wheel

Clint: more like an...9th wheel?

Steve: -_-

Bruce: bro ive been there. 

Tony: but like, ur STEVE

Tony: so like, i fail to see the problem

Steve: what does that mean

Tony: i mean like u could pick up literally any girl

Clint: anywhere

Thor: at anytime

Bruce: ?

Thor: well i mean i could get more girls than him but still

Steve: wow thor

Thor: just saying

Steve: does Jane know u talk like this?

Thor: whatever steve

Steve: u guys can go have fun

Steve: i have stuff 2 do anyway

Tony: like what?

Steve: well i didn't write the report for our last mission yet

Clint: okay, that is just sad

Steve: its really not

Steve: im mean valentine's day is not really a big deal


Natasha: yes it is

Tony: just go get a date and come with us

Tony: wow, i cant believe ive being nice to u

Steve: me neither

Tony: I should get an award

Steve: -_- like what

Tony: like no swear lock?

Steve: yeah no

Tony: dang u

Tony: no more being nice

Tony: guys we're going without him

Clint: tony be nice

Natasha: steve, just come

Clint: we promise there will be no pda

Natasha: :(

Clint: ok, um, there will not be MUCH pda

Steve: lol

Steve: ok, fine I'll come

Thor: that is good

Thor: i must tell jane

Thor: brb

Bruce: his typing is so weird

Bruce: half the time its normal and then the other half its old fashioned

Steve: also did he not realize its like, 5:30 in the morning

Thor: i still have my phone u know

Thor: u guys need to work on ur friendship skills

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