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WARNING: So don't read the italics if you're a sensitive person. It's not terrible but it is a bit too graphic for soft-hearted people. 😉❤

“Hey, curly. Come here.”

“Leave me alone!” I screamed back.

They all laughed at me, some of them with teeth missing. I was scared and shivering in the shower we all shared. They started walking towards me, all of them at once.

Soon they were on top of me, touching me, hurting me.

“Say it, say it, Curly.” One of them yelled.

“Please.” I whimpered as the sound of their laughter rang through my head.


I woke and jumped out of bed. I needed air. I had to get away from the house. I needed to breathe properly.

I shoved on some pants and a t-shirt and grabbed my keys off the couch. I ran out of the house and jumped into my car.

I turned on the engine, rolled down all the windows and drove down the street as fast as I could while still keeping it safe.

I let the roaring sound of the wind hit my ears and chase away the horrible nightmare I’d awoken from. It was the third time that week that my mind had been playing tricks on me: I saw them everywhere and heard them everywhere.

I couldn’t understand why they were coming after me now. After years of peace and quiet, they were back and they were taunting me more than ever.

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