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WARNING: This chapter is just soooo cheesy. Its full of clichés and stuff but that's the whole point.  🐕

I stared out at the sunset on the abandoned beach. The beautiful gold, red and orange lit up the sky as the sun made its slow descend. I couldn’t help but marvel at just how beautiful, yet cruel the world was. I had been through my share of terrible experiences, probably the worst anyone should ever have to go through. I had such a dark and twisted past that had made me who I was today.

I was lonely. I was incomplete.

I didn’t have anything to live for, or any reason to want to die. I felt like I was waiting for something. Something was coming, something that would help mend me and make me complete.

For someone who had been through so many traumas, I still believed in fate. I believed that all the hardships and all the hell I’d been through was to help prepare me for something later on. I was meant to have gone through all that so I could know true happiness when it arrived.

I stood up, dusted my shorts and started to walk along the shore. The sound of the rolling waves filled the air and the feel of the warm water at my feet made me feel alive. I smiled.

This is why I lived. I lived to enjoy life. Life may have its ups and its downs but it’s the little moments that make the downs a little more worthwhile.

The sound of an ambulance in the distance snapped me out of my trance. I looked back towards the road and saw the vehicle speeding towards the hospital.

My phone beeped in my pocket. It was Hunter.

“Hey, wassup?” I answered.

“Dude. Where you at? Come over to my house. We’re having a party!” he yelled above the loud electro music in the background.

I cringed. “Uhm, do I have to?”

He laughed. “Yes! You need a little drama in your life, bro. If you don’t come yourself, I’ll fetch you.”

I had a good feeling he was drunk and I certainly didn’t want my only friend dead or in a jail cell. “Fine. Only for a little while.”

I hung up and made my way to my car. I climbed in and went over to his house, just to make sure he was ok.

Hunter may have been older than me, but he could be really childish at times. I pulled up in front of the house and climbed out. As I expected, there were a bunch of people making out on the porch and the front yard. Honestly, it looked like one of those typical teenage parties you see in the movies.

“Hunt, what have you done now?” I asked myself.

I dodged the eyes and calls of the drunk girls on the lawn and got into the house. The music was extremely loud and absolutely terrible. I didn’t have to search long to find my best friend – he was in the middle of a heated argument with some chick in his room upstairs.

“Uhm, excuse me?” I asked as I slowly walked into the room.

I could tell what had happened already without asking. Hunter had obviously convinced this chick to hook up with him and he probably got ticked off for no apparent reason and was letting it all out on the girl. She looked furious.

“Who are you?” she yelled at me.

“I’m this idiot’s friend.” I introduced myself.

“Cat, just leave, ok? Just go.” Hunt groaned.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” The blonde snapped and stormed out of the room, slamming the door in the process.

“And?” I asked after a few moments of silence.

“Harry just leave it alone, ok? I’m too drunk to care anymore.” He groaned, collapsing onto the covers of his bed.

“Hunt, this is the first time in ages that you’ve lost your temper. It can’t just be nothing. Tell me.” I insisted.

My best friend looked up at me with such fierce emotion in his intense blue eyes. He wasn’t going to tell me and there was no way I’d be able to get it out of him.

Hunter and I had only known each other for about 3 months but we had become friends easily. He showed up one day at the centre where I volunteer as a guidance counsellor and our friendship just grew as each day passed.

I wasn’t really the most social of people and he was the most social person on earth so we sort of balanced each other out.

“Well I’ll be downstairs if you decide you wanna tell me. Goodbye.”

And with that, I made my way towards the crowd of sweaty bodies on the dance floor. I hated parties; I hated crowds and I hated random strangers bumping against me but I wasn’t going to leave. Hunter was going to eventually tell me what was wrong and I wanted to be there for him.

I knew exactly how it felt to be alone and to have no one care about you and I didn’t want my one and only friend going through that when I could help him.

When It Comes To You [√] BOOK TWOWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt