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“You went to the hospital again last night?” Gemma asked as I sat down and started eating my pancakes.

“Yeah, why?” I asked, determined not to let her nosiness ruin my good mood.

“Did you see Andres?”

“No, why?”

“He’s my assignment.”


The conversation died right there and I couldn’t be bothered to revive it. Gemma wasn’t a very nice girl. She was mean to everyone and she just gave off negative vibes. I had tried to make peace with her but I think that only made her hate me more so I avoided her.

Now that we were stuck there together, I wasn’t sure if I should try making friends with her again. I had to do something because the awkwardness between us was almost suffocating.

“Are you going next door?” she asked after a few minutes.

“Yeah, why?”

“I’m going too.”


I finished off my plate and quickly washed it before heading back to my room. I was pretty excited to see Camilla again. Well this time she would see me too so I wanted to make a good impression. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to be as excited as I was but I couldn’t help it.

I had been looking over her for the past week while she was in hospital. No one ever visited her except her brother and when he did come, she wouldn’t talk to him or even look at him. I could tell that she actually wanted to talk to him but didn’t know how to. I was looking forward to talking to her, to getting to know her beneath the cool façade she let on.

“You ready?” I knocked on Gemma’s bedroom door.

“Yeah. Be right out.”

I waited for a few minutes before she finally came out.

“So what’s our cover?” I asked her as we walked out the house.

“Friends who are here on summer vacation from I dunno where.” She replied.

I paused. “Friends? Vonnie gave us the cover didn’t she?”

Gemma rolled her eyes but gave me a small smile. “Yeah, you know how she is.”

“Yeah, she’s always trying to match every single person on planet Curey.” I muttered.

This time she laughed out loud and, despite myself, I smiled too.

“You have no idea. Let’s at least try to like each other for this assignment, alright?” she said, the smile still on her lips.

I smiled back. “Sure.”

I pressed the doorbell and we waited a few seconds before a short guy with too much gel in his dark hair opened the door for us. His jaw dropped when his eyes fell on Gemma and the lollipop in his mouth fell out. I had to stop myself from laughing in the guy’s face.

He had no chance: Gemma didn’t “inter-breed” as she called it and would never look at a human guy. Ever.

“Who’s at the door?” a voice asked from somewhere inside.

“Drey come over here.” The guy at the door yelled, his eyes never leaving Gemma’s body.

Gemma rolled her eyes and just stared daggers at the guy. He didn’t seem to notice. Thankfully, Andres Ortega himself came to the door. His eyes lingered a second too long on Gemma’s body but he didn’t stare rudely like his friend.

“I’m sorry, how can I help you?” he flashed us a smile, that I just knew was for Gemma, not for me.

 “Hi. Sorry if we’re interrupting something. We just moved in next door for the summer and wanted to introduce ourselves.” Gemma said; her voice an octave higher than normal.

Andres didn’t seem to care that she sounded like a mouse on helium.

“Oh where you guys from?” he asked, his eyes meeting Gemma’s.

“New York.” I answered, making him look at me.

“That’s great. Welcome to Miami. I’m Andres.” He said giving me a handshake.

“Cyrus.” I replied.

“And I’m Sky.” Gemma said, offering him her hand.

Andres smiled and shook her hand too.

“I guess we’ll be going now.” I literally seethed through my teeth to get Andres’ attention.

“Oh, no. Please excuse my rudeness. Why don’t you two come in? My friends and I were just chilling.” He opened the door wider and Gemma, or should I say Sky, walked in.

The sound of hip-hop music coming from somewhere nearby attacked my ears as Andres led us to the kitchen. The counters and the large island in the middle of the kitchen held an assortment of alcoholic drinks: beer, vodka, tequila, you name it: It was all there. There were a bunch of guys and a few girls laughing in a corner with red cups in their hands.

The first thing that occurred to me was that it was barely 11 in the morning and these people were already drunk. The second was that Gemma was now fully flirting with Andres in front of me.

A bit uncomfortable at the sight, I ditched them and went up the stairs in search for Camilla. I was going past a bathroom when I heard voices. My gut told me to stay exactly where I was and listen. I did just that. I recognised her voice instantly.

“Just this once. You’re gonna go out there and you’re gonna talk to people. You are going to be brave for once in your miserable life. Do it for Drey.”

She was talking to herself, most probably while looking at the mirror. That was what she did sometimes. I almost felt bad. Like an intruder or stalker. I knew so much about her: probably more than she knew herself but she hadn’t the slightest idea I even existed.

I kicked myself to move from the door before she came out and caught me listening in on her conversation. I walked a couple of feet away from the door just as it opened. I stopped dead in my tracks.

She looked exquisite: a tight black dress hugged itself across her slim frame and her long hair was left in loose curls down her back. I realized I liked it that way.

“Uhm, hello? Can I help you?’ her voice broke me out of my reverie.

“Uh what? Oh no. I came here with my…friend but she’s downstairs so I decided to do a little exploring.” I answered casually.

Her brow creased in suspicion but she didn’t question me any further. In fact, to my surprise, she gave me a smile.

“Well you won’t find much but help yourself out.”

I smiled back at her. What was it about this girl that just warmed my insides?

“Why don’t you show me around since you seem to know the place?”

She rolled her eyes. “I live here and I might look stupid but I have enough sense not to show a random stranger around my house.”

I chuckled. “Fair enough. I’m Cyrus by the way.”

“Camila.” she answered, that beautiful smile still etched on her lips.

Whoever her soul mate is, is a lucky bastard, I thought.

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