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I sat in my living room wondering if I had done the right thing.

Had I been wrong to make the decision for her? Or had I just made it easier for the three of us?

As I sat there in misery, Belle flew in.

"Hey baby bro." She greeted.

I sighed. "Please don't. I'm not really in the mood right now."

She sat down next to me. "I heard about what you did."

I didn't say anything. What was there to say?

"Look, Cyrus. I'm sorry that you had to do that but I think it was for the best."

"For the best? Belle I completely erased myself from her memory and her life! All the sad and happy moments. She doesn't remember our love anymore. How is that for the best?"

She looked at me sadly. "Then why did you do it? If she meant so much, if your love meant so much to you then why did you completely erase it from her memory?"

"Because it is the only way for her to be happy. She needs to stay on earth with her family and her friends. If she still remembered me then she wouldn't have been able to do it." I said.

"And how do you know that? Cyrus it wasn't your decision to make. It was hers. Don't you think that was a bit unfair to her?" My sister asked.

"I know her well. Camila is too kind and too selfless to make such a hard decision." I said.

"But you haven't answered my question, Cyrus. Do you think that if she remembers everything she'll be happy with you? Camila may be kind and everything but she's also a very stubborn person.

It wasn't right. You had no right to do that. Those were her memories and you took them away from her."

"I know! I know! And I'm already regretting it! I visited her in her dreams and it broke my heart.

She looked at me as if I was a stranger. She didn't recognize me and nothing hurts me more than knowing that she will never know just how much I love her.

I sacrificed our love. I sacrificed my happiness for hers. I know that I will never, ever love anyone as much as I love her.

I know that I'll never be truly happy but that doesn't matter. Nothing matters to me more than her happiness. She's been through so much and all I ever wanted was for her to be happy.

She deserves it. She deserves a happy life. Even if it means not having me in it."

I was crying as I spoke. The tears had escaped and with them came the pain. The deep, raw pain coming from my chest.

"Oh Cyrus. You idiot. What if she chose you?" Belle suggested.

"I wouldn't have let her do that to herself." I answered.

I could feel my heart shattering into billions of pieces. I just wanted to yell, to scream: anything to try and release the whirlwind of feelings within me.

I just had to escape the pain somehow. It was unbearable.

"Cyrus. You idiot. Come here."

I let her put her arms around me and comfort me as I cried.

I cried for all the moments I had shared with her. The inside jokes, the petty arguments, the misunderstandings. But most of all, the love.

The love that I would never experience with her again in real life. All I had left were the memories. And even those would fade away with time.

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