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"Did you sign up?" I asked Camila as we made our way back to her house.

"Yeah." She replied through a mouthful of Doritos.

I nodded and took a sip of my Coke.

"Hey why do you volunteer there?" she asked.

Because I have to keep an eye on you, I thought.

"I had to spend my time doing something after Sky ditched me to hang out with your brother."

She stopped and stood in front of me. She had orange crumbs beside her lips.

"You better tell your little friend to stay away from Drey. He has a girlfriend and they love each other and will one day get married and have twin girls named April and May." She snarled, pointing her finger in my face.

I smiled. "Why don't you tell her yourself? She doesn't seem to want to listen to me."

"What? No. She's your friend. Either you tell her to back off or I will smash her head in."

It took all my effort not to laugh. Sky was a Trerry. She could kill Camila with just a flick of the wrist if she wanted to and so I doubted the tiny human would be able to harm her even if she tried.

"I'll let you beat her up. That would be pretty fun to watch. But, before you go, you have a little something right...there." I softly brushed away the crumbs on her face and gave her a wink.

She jumped away from me so fast and was back at my side in a matter of seconds. It hurt just a little. I took it as a sign never to touch her again. At least not with her permission.

I took the last swig of Coke from the can and threw it in the direction of a bin across the street from us. It landed inside with ease.

"Woah. That was so cool." Cami breathed.

I shrugged but the smug smirk still made its way to my face. "Thanks."

"I bet you I can throw this packet in there too." She challenged me.

I rolled my eyes. "There is no way that you could-"

Just as I was finishing my sentence, she threw the empty Doritos packet and it landed straight inside the bin. I looked from her to the bin across the street over and over with my mouth open. How was it even possible?

She laughed at my expression and tugged on my arm. "C'mon let's get going. Drey will kill me if we don't get there before dance rehearsals are over."

"But- but how did you?"

"Surprised a girl could do that better than you?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh no not that. But you're a hu - hey that was not better than mine." I interrupted myself.

She just rolled her eyes and picked up the pace.

It took me a while to register the fact that her arm was linked to mine and she didn't seem to notice. I smiled and we spent the rest of our walk in a comfortable silence.

"What took you guys so long?" Her brother asked us as soon as he saw us.

"The meetings are longer than I thought." Camila replied innocently, oblivious to her brother's deathly stare headed in my direction.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I replied flatly at him.

His eyes widened when they saw our linked arms. Camila looked down and with a little gasp, pulled her arm free from mine.

Hey! I was enjoying that! I wanted to say but instead, I kept quiet.

"Get inside the car, Cami." Andres said through gritted teeth while staring daggers at me.

I ignored him and said goodbye to her with a warm smile. She wouldn't meet my eyes but she had the largest grin on her face as she hopped into their car.

"You." Andres addressed me as soon as his sister was out of earshot.

"Yeah. I've got to be going so...see you around." I replied and started walking down the street.



"Come here, pretty boy."

I turned and suppressed the urge to laugh at him as he stomped his way towards me.

"You better not do anything to my sister or Christ help me I will kill you with my bare hands!" he whisper-yelled.

"Look Andres I do not plan on doing anything to your sister, ok? We are just friends and even if I did like her, I wouldn't go after her."

He squinted his eyes at me. "Oh really, now? You expect me to believe that? I'm not stupid, I know you like her."

"Ok, I do. I like Camila. But like I said, I would never go after her. I'm only here for a little while and I don't want to break her heart. She doesn't deserve that. Now, if you don't mind, I really do have somewhere to be."

I took one last look at the car a few feet away from us, where Camila was plugging in her phone to the car's speakers and turned to start walking.

Thankfully, Andres didn't call me back and I could walk in peace. He knew I liked his sister: he just didn't know how much I liked her. He was right though. It wouldn't be fair to do anything. She was a human, or at least half human, and I was a Cupid.

We couldn't be together. Even if she did start having feelings for me, it wouldn't end well because she had a soulmate somewhere out there. It wouldn't be fair for me to ruin any chances she had at happiness. Even if it meant having to endure the pain of watching her love another.

My feet neared a tiny shop that I had never been to before and I was about to get in when I saw a familiar head of curls by the counter. It was Harry, from the counselling meetings.

I stayed outside and watched him purchase a couple of easels. Soon he was walking out of the shop and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Cyrus! What are you doing here? Is Camila here with you?" he asked.

"Uhm I'm just here because I wanted to get a bunch of stuff. And no, Cami's at home."

He looked disappointed at my words, which annoyed me a little bit too much. "Oh that's too bad. She seems like such a cool girl. Tell her I can't wait to see her again next week, ok?"

I nodded and with that, Harry gave me a smile and climbed into a car behind me.

I felt my heartbeat race. Harry. Camila. Harry and Camila.

There was a reason my feet had taken me there. They had been subconsciously leading me to Camila's soulmate.

Realisation dawned on me. I had found her soulmate. I knew who he was and it was quite possible that she knew it too.

"Shit." I muttered.

I couldn't stop the inevitable. If Camila kept going to those meetings, she would fall in love with him and he with her. I could already see their future play out in front of my eyes. She would love him and then I would never have a chance.

My sister's voice ran through my head. "Remember what you're there to do."

Sorry sis, I thought. I know it's wrong but there's no way I can let her go.

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