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“Everyone take your seats please!” I yelled to the group of people in the room.

They all joined me and we sat down on chairs that had been arranged into a circle. Hunter sat right next to me.

“So, today, we’re just going to have a chat and see how everyone’s doing. Noah, wanna go first?” I smiled in her direction.

She jumped up and gave the room a bright smile. She was one of those super bubbly and super positive people. Sometimes it annoyed me just a little but nobody had to know that.

“Hey guys. So this week I visited my mom. It’s been a while since I last saw her. You know, because of the abuse incident. I don’t think I’m ready to forgive her yet but I’m glad that I went to see her. I really missed her.” A tear escaped from her eyes as she sat down and I gave her another warm smile.

“I’m proud of you, really. It couldn’t have been easy going over to that house again.” I said.

“If it were me, I’d have burned down the whole house.” Caitlyn, who sat next to Noah, gave her hand a squeeze.

“I wouldn’t wanna get on your bad side.” Jordan interjected.

The whole circle chuckled quietly. This was what I loved about volunteering at M.S.G.A. It wasn’t just a normal therapy group and we never had boring sessions. We welcomed everyone to join our group sessions and we supported and encouraged each other like one big family.

As each and every one of the people in the room stood up and boasted about their progress, I couldn’t help but feel extremely proud. I had helped these people and they were getting on with their lives, which made me happy for them. I used to be just like them.

A couple of years ago, I started attending these meetings and Josh, our group leader at the time, had helped me. Now, it was my turn to help others. One by one, everyone in the circle got up, said something, and sat down. Now it was my turn. These sessions weren’t only for me to help everyone; it was for them to help me.

“Well you all know how my path to recovery has been going. For a good few years, I hadn’t had a single bad dream about them. I mean of course there were the panic attacks and the occasional breakdown but it wasn’t until this week that the attacks got worse.”

The sound of loud, male laughter filled my ears as I spoke. I paused a little to try and get my emotions under control. I was the group leader and I didn’t want everyone to see me break down.

“Ohh, Harry.” Noah said quietly.

“It’ll pass. It always does.” Hunter said from behind me and gave my back a little pat.

“You’re strong, Har. And everyone, including you, in this room knows that. I was a mess when I first came here but do you know what saved me? It wasn’t the encouraging talks or the delicious food Mavis serves here.” Everyone chuckled at Jordan’s little speech. “No, it wasn’t, I swear. It was Harry’s strength. If you could stand here and not be ashamed of your past experiences; if you could be so brave and so open, then so could I. You’re my hero, mate.”

Everyone nodded and said more things as I let the tears fall down my face. They weren’t tears of sadness or weakness either, they were tears of joy. I had people who genuinely cared for me, and people I genuinely cared for. I realised that was why I loved coming here every week: to feel accepted.


“Remind me to ask Mavis to cook for me at home next week, ok?” Hunter said as finished off his burger.

“Why didn’t you ask her yourself? And wipe those hands before you touch my car.” I replied as we walked out of the building.

He rolled his eyes and fished out a napkin from his pocket. “Firstly, I was distracted by the delicious smell of food when I went to see her. She ended up giving me a another burger because she thought I was there to ask for some more. Anyway secondly, dude it’s just a car. I feel like sometimes you love that thing more than me.”

“Uh, of course I love Baby more than you. She’s the love of my life.” I replied and climbed into the sleek, black car.

I could almost hear him rolling his eyes as we started driving off.

“So, what now?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

We turned the street and suddenly the sound of hip-hop music hit my ears from outside the open window.

Hunter smirked slyly and swivelled his head towards the sound.

“Hey! Don’t even think about it. Firstly, you don’t know the people and secondly it’s like 11 in the morning! Who parties that early?” I said and sped up.

“Oh c’mon Harry. Let’s just crash. Please?”

“You partied last night! Don’t you have a hangover? And I am not going to endure another hour or so of being stuck in a house full of strangers for you.” I replied, glancing over at him.

He was making exaggerated faces and playing with his blonde hair.

“You are such a fun-killer.” He replied.

“And you sound like a teenager. We’ll do something else. Anything else. I’d even do your laundry than go to another party.” I muttered under my breath.

Hunter, by some miracle, heard me and his head swivelled to my direction at the speed of light.

“What? Really?”

“No. Let’s go to my house.”

I smirked silently as he groaned and complained all the way home.

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