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"I believe I can fly!"

"Camila?" I said.

"I believe I can touch the sky!" She screamed.

"Camila?" I tried again.

"I dream about it every night and day!" She screamed even louder.

"Cam? Uhm—"

"Spread my wings and fly away!"

"I'm the one with wings here and you're—"

"I believe I can—"


Her singing (more like screeching) cut off abruptly.

"Oh thank you so much!" I cried.

She hit the side of my head.

"You're mean!" She complained.

"You've been yelling directly into my ear for half an hour and I'm the mean one?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sorry! I might have gotten carried away. Just a little." She apologized.

I looked down at her. "A little?"

"Fine a lot. Now quit looking at me and watch the road or sky or whatever it is you Curians call it."

I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. I was currently flying the two of us towards Siobhan and Brandon's house because I needed their help.

I had initially thought that it would be great to carry Camila in my arms for a while but I'd been mistaken.

She couldn't keep quiet and she kept ordering me around. I won't lie: it wasn't all bad.

Since I was carrying her bridal style, her face was buried in my neck and one of her hands was placed on my heart.

I loved the feeling of our bodies in contact and how I could hear her heartbeat. I heard it quicken every time I glanced down at her and since she had her hand on my chest, she could feel mine too.

Despite her annoying remarks and terrible singing, I enjoyed the small journey. I enjoyed getting her flustered and annoyed, even if it meant suffering a death glare and having my ears pinched.

We finally arrived after a slow version of the Alphabet Song sung by you-know-who. Brandon was already waiting for us outside the small cottage.

"Hey B." Camila greeted him with a hug.

I frowned childishly. For some reason Camila had been hugging literally everyone except me.

I knew she was doing it to annoy me and that I should ignore it but it still got under my skin.

It wasn't due to insecurities or anything because I knew she loved me (soulmates, remember?) and I didn't consider anyone else on the small planet as good enough competition for me.

It annoyed me because there were some of those guys who would hold just a little tighter or longer than they should've. I didn't want anyone getting ideas and such.

Thankfully Brandon wasn't one of those guys and I could breathe easily as the hug broke apart.

"Sup, Cyrus." He greeted me.

"I thought I was supposed to call you Mr Truman." I joked.

"You know that's only when we're training you troll. Come on in: it's a bit cold out here." He commented.

We followed him to the door and walked into the cottage.

It was just like I had expected their house to look like. Picture frames of all their friends and family covered every inch of the free walls. Books and used teacups were strewn all over the living room which, might I say, was scorching due to the orange fire blazing in the fireplace.

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