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"You did good today." Hunter said as we climbed into my car.

"Well I couldn't let everyone know I had a breakdown, now could I? Especially not with a potential new addition to our group."

"Well why not? You're human Harry and you will slip up. They wouldn't judge you if you told them."

I stayed silent and started the drive.

"Your place or mine?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"You like that Camila chick, don't you?"

I nearly hit the brakes and caused a massive accident. What the hell, was I that easy to read?

"What?" I asked, feigning surprise.

"You don't fool me. The only reason you didn't tell anyone about the breakdown was because of her. You didn't wanna seem weak or anything in front of her. Admit it."

I opened and closed my mouth, trying to come up with anything to say but I failed miserably. My best friend just laughed.

"Was it that obvious?" I asked eventually.

"No. I just know you really well." Hunter replied.

I rolled my eyes. Hunter had tendencies of knowing things he couldn't possible know and sometimes I thought he had supernatural powers. It's stupid, I know but seriously, this guy was a bit of a psychic.

"Well to answer your question, yes. I think I do like her, actually. I felt something weird in my gut when I saw her: she is just the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."

"Woah, slow down there, mate. You've only known her for a few hours. Besides, she just found out your whole life story. Not exactly how you get a girl to like you, bro."

I felt my cheeks flame red. He was right. She was probably terrified of me now.

"Oh c'mon. Cheer up. If she is The One then she won't mind that you have just about the most twisted past in human history."

I said nothing and made a left so I could drop him off at his house.


After dropping Hunter off, I went to the cemetery and looked for my parents' graves. My adoptive ones of course. Although I hadn't spent that much time with them, I felt like they really did love me and that they tried their best to give me a happy life.

They were the most selfless people on earth and I hadn't seen that when they were alive. They were also the reason Braxton and I stopped talking. His parents died in a car crash when they were on their way to visit me in prison and he hated me for it.

I remember those visits and the memories made me feel so guilty, which was why I hardly visited their graves. Every time they came to visit, I ignored them and stayed silent as they talked animatedly about how everything was back at home. They brought me shampoo and books to read, which the other inmates would steal. I got bullied worse after every visit because they were jealous that none of their families wanted anything to do with them.

Danny and Kelvin. Those were my adoptive parents' names. I cried silently as I stared at the matching tombstones sitting side by side. They didn't deserve what I did to them. They were good people and never learning how to love them would be my biggest regret ever.

"I'm sorry for being the worst son ever. You don't know just how much I miss you guys. Even though I never showed it, I was truly happy in your house and I want to thank you for taking me out of that hellhole." I said.

I dropped the small bouquet of flowers in my hands between the two graves and cried silently for a few minutes or so.

"Well I'll be off now."

I dusted my trousers and walked out and into my car. I turned the radio on so I wouldn't have to be alone with my feelings and I drove to the nearest art supplies shop. I needed a new easel.

After I paid and was leaving the shop, I saw Cyrus. We exchanged a few words but he didn't seem to be very happy to see me. I had a feeling he didn't like me much but I wasn't bothered. I got into my car and drove back home.

Hunter's words rang in my head as I made my way to my little studio. I grabbed black, red and white paint and got to work on my new artwork. I needed to let out all the feelings I had brewing within me.

The painting started out dark and angry as I used a thick brush to paint harsh, angry lines all over the canvas. I went crazy, letting out all my feelings: hurt, loneliness, sadness, fear and guilt. I let it dry then picked up a smaller brush. I painted a small circle in white paint right in the center of it all.

That white circle represented the hope. I still had hope amidst all the tornado of feelings within me. I still had hope that one day it would all be over and that one day, I'd be truly happy.

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