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As the two of us walked to the building, I couldn't help but feel more at ease. Cyrus was unusually quiet, not that I knew him well enough to know his true nature, but I enjoyed the silence. He didn't make me feel like I had to explain myself to him: he wasn't pushy or demanding and I liked that.

"Ladies first." He smiled at me as he opened the wooden door.

I smiled back and muttered a thank you as I walked through the door. The door opened up to a long grey hallway with a few doors on each side. I walked until I came to room 291: M.S.G.A Main Room.

Cyrus was just a few feet behind me so figuring I didn't want to go alone, I waited for him.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you go in?" he asked casually.

"Well," I said, a little embarrassed to be honest, "I didn't wanna go in alone."

He rolled his eyes but chuckled lowly. For a second, I forgot everything that was going on around me: the faint smell of bleach, the low voices coming from behind the closed door, the cold air around me.

His laugh was so beautiful and...enchanting.

I snapped back to reality when he opened the door and the sound of laughter and loud conversations filled the hallway.

I stepped into the room and was surprised at the scene before my eyes. There were about 20 people sitting or standing randomly around the sunlight-filled room. Everyone was smiling. This looked more like some sort of club instead of a counselling group.

A few eyes turned towards the door as we entered, most of them female, but other than that, no one paid us much attention.

"Uhm, are we in the right place?" I asked Cyrus.

He chuckled. "I asked myself the exact same thing the first time I got here."

Before I could respond, a loud voice cut through the air. "Cyrus! You're here!"

My head turned to the owner of the voice and this time I couldn't help but gasp. The first thing I saw of his was his big, green eyes.

I stared with fascination as he casually made his way to the two of us and shoved a bunch of posters in Cyrus' arms.

"Please go put these up on the notice board then after that, Mavis needs help in the kitchen." He said, with the hurried urgency of some one with a lot to do.

Each time he shook his head, his curly hair bounced a little, falling into his eyes. Never in my life...

"Oh hey. I am so sorry for being rude. I'm Harry." The boy finally turned to me and gave me a dimpled smile.

"Huh? Oh hi. I'm Camila." I forced my lips to speak.

"Are you here to sign up? I didn't see your name up there this morning." He asked.

"Uhm yeah. Well I actually just came to check it out before I sign up." By some miracle, my mouth was speaking properly and I hadn't fainted.

"Well you should sign up. This place is great. Trust me; I've been helping out around here for two years." Harry smiled.

Someone on the other side of the room called his name and with one last smile in my direction, he was off.

"Whoa." I breathed out when he was gone.

I turned behind me but Cyrus was gone. Great, now I was alone in a room full of chatting teenagers.

I shoved my hands in my jean pockets and scooted towards the wall to try and make myself invisible. Unfortunately, it didn't work so well.

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