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She decided to go to the meetings. I can’t say I wasn’t a little jealous or annoyed because I was. No matter what I tried to do, he always found a way to see her. I had to step my game up if I didn’t want her to end up catching feelings for him. The day after the two of them went to the beach, I decided to take her out.

I didn’t have any money. Which I didn’t really need it because I could just envision whatever it was I desired, and it just materialised out of thin air.

Unfortunately, money can't just be conjured out of nothing. If that was the case, all the Cupids would be rich.

So I was pretty much screwed because I couldn’t take Cam out without any money.

I had to resort to unspeakable measures to try and get some cash pretty quickly.

“Thank you.” I said.

“You’re welcome. Just make sure you don’t spend it all in one place.” My sister’s voice came from the other side of the phone.

Yes, I asked my sister for money.

One would probably think I shouldn’t be scared about it but I was. Every time I asked Belle for something, she’d be cool about it but it never came for free. I was terrified about what she’d make me do to make it up to her.

I hung up the phone and stuffed the stack of notes in my wallet (which I had materialized the day before). I threw on casual clothes and left the house with Gemma. Her plan was working and she was almost done with her assignment while I was far from achieving what I’d been sent to do.

“Please tell me you’ve found who her soulmate is.” Gemma said as we walked to our neighbours' house.

“I did.” I replied.

She looked at me suspiciously. “But?”

“But he’s not right for her.”

“Oh and you are? Cyrus, focus! Snap out of it. Camila is human and there’s no way that she could love you the way you love her. Your love is eternal but hers isn’t.”

“She’s half Cupid. Which means I have a chance.”

She didn’t get a chance to reply because Camila’s front door opened and a purple-haired girl I’ve never seen before marched out. As soon as her eyes met Gemma’s she let out a frustrated scream and stomped over to what I assumed was her car.
Gemma wasn’t bothered. In fact, she looked angry herself. I watched as she stormed in and went looking for Andres. I shook my head and waited patiently outside for Camila. She rushed out of the front door a few minutes later.

“What’s the rush?” I asked when she almost bumped into me in a hurry.

“I’m late for that M.S.G.A meeting thingy.” She replied.

I frowned. “But aren’t you going tomorrow night? Why do you have to go now?”

“I don’t have to go, silly. I just wanted to help Harry out with the children. Today the Centre’s giving out soup to the homeless kids.” She answered while fast-walking.

I matched her pace easily and considered my options. I could steal her away and enjoy the day with her before letting her go and spend the evening with Harry or I could go with her to this soup thingy and spend the whole day with my arch nemesis.

“Will Harry mind if you show up a few hours later? I wanted to show you something important.”

She stopped walking and frowned at me. “He doesn’t know I’m coming. I thought I’d surprise him. What’s this important thing you want to show me?”

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