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She looked beautiful. We were standing on the beach, letting the tide slap our feet. The wind whipped at us, causing her hair to fly out behind her.

"I love this place!" She mouthed at me.

Her voice was swallowed up by the sounds of the ocean.

I laughed. "What? I can't hear you!"

She rolled her eyes and stood on her toes so she could speak into my ear.

"I said I love this place." She said.

I smiled. "I do too. And you know what else I love?"

She looked up at me with her big, brown eyes.

"What?" She asked.

I stroked her beautiful face. "You. I love you, Camila."


I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I squeezed my eyes tight and fought to go back to my dream.

Back to the beach. Back to her.

"Harry!" The voice yelled again, this time louder.

I groaned. It didn't seem likely that I'd be falling back asleep anytime soon.

"Oh there you are! Wake up!" He yelled, ripping my covers off of me.

"Hunter, go away."

"Dude get up. You're gonna be late for the meeting." He replied, pushing my shoulder.

I sighed. "Do I have to go?"

"Yes. You can't just ditch everyone like that."

I willed my body to get up but it refused.

"Hunter. My limbs don't want me to get up." I said into the pillow.

"You little....urgh." I heard him say before he left the room.

At first I thought he'd given up and that he was letting me sleep but then I remembered: Hunter was an annoying dick and it was almost as if he enjoyed torturing others.

I was about to get up when-


I shot up after the ice cold water hit my face.

"My hair! Hunter how could you?!" I screeched as my hands reached for my soaked curls.

"That's what you get for sleeping in. You're never this difficult to wake up though. What were you doing last night?" He asked me suspiciously, tossing the now empty bucket aside.

I sighed and looked over at the desk on the other side of my room.

"I was busy with something for Camila."

"You were? What exactly?" He asked, already heading towards my desk.

"It's nothing." I told him and got out of the bed.

"Leave that alone and come remove these sheets you soaked. I'll be taking a shower." I told him before walking out of my room.


After the M.S.G.A meeting, I dropped Hunter off at his house then made my way home.

A lot of things were on my mind: Noah was in really bad shape and she hadn't been at the meeting because she was in hospital after a failed suicide attempt.

I felt terrible because I was supposed to be there for her as her counselor but for some reason, she hadn't come to me when she felt bad.

I couldn't help but feel responsible for her actions. Maybe I hadn't been approachable enough or maybe I hadn't been paying enough attention to her.

She'd seemed happy the last time I'd seen her but then again I knew more than most people that sometimes a smile could be covering a whole lot of pain and anguish.

Smiles could be misleading. What you see when a person smiles might not be how they see it. You see someone who is happy and carefree but in actual fact, they might be broken, sad, lonely and in need of someone who will see past the mask and give them a helping hand.

Hunter was also worrying me. He had severe abandonment issues and he'd been acting weird whenever I talked about Camila.

He never said anything and sometimes he made dumb jokes about how much I loved her but I could see that it hurt him to talk about her.

He probably felt abandoned and I still had to talk to him properly about it but he always avoided the topic whenever it came up.

Then there was the person who was always on my mind. Whether I was sleeping, laughing, eating or reading, she was always on my mind.


I finally got home and after throwing my jacket onto the bed, I went over to my desk.

On the top was a small painting. Behind it was a little poem that I had scribbled on hastily.

The painting was of nothing in particular but when I looked at it, I thought of rolling blue waves and of course, Camila.

It was a miniature version of the blue masterpiece I had created the day before and I just knew she'd love it.

I turned it around and re-read what I'd written there.

For all the tears you've shed
And the memories we've made
For all the picnics on the sand
And the naps in the shade
For all the chocolate-covered strawberries
And the beautiful blue waves


It wasn't amazing and I certainly was no poet but I knew she'd like it. I put the painting down and smiled in excitement.

"Tomorrow." I told myself before heading downstairs to make dinner.

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