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Zzz zzz

The phone beside me kept vibrating and it kept breaking my concentration. I grabbed it and unlocked it.

I had a billion missed calls from Belle. Sighing, I dialled the number and waited for her to pick up.

“Cyrus!” she yelled through the phone.

I paused. Did she sound...happy?

“Yes, of course I’m happy you idiot. Whatever it is you did was genius. She told her brother about the rape and already their relationship is getting better!”

“I insulted her.” I answered.

And I still felt absolutely terrible for it. I mean it doesn’t sound like much but it did upset her and I didn’t mean to. I needed her to know that. My sister sighed on the other side of the line.

“Look, Cy. I know you’ve developed a little crush on her but keep in mind what you were sent there to do. I’m not gonna forbid you from doing anything because I know you’ll do it anyway. Just be careful, ok? I wouldn’t like to see either of you two hurt.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and just enjoyed the sound of her voice.

I wasn’t going to admit it anytime soon but I was homesick. Really homesick. I missed my friends and my sisters and being on this mission was creating a whole lot of feelings I didn’t want to feel.

“Thanks, Belle.”

“You’re welcome.” She answered chirpily, with that I’m-a-genius-and-I-know-it voice.

“How’s Wes?” I asked.

“Oh he is the most annoying being I have ever met in my entire life. Just yesterday he left the gate of the zoo open and a bunch of wild Didracons escaped! Half the city got burned down! Blanca is taking care of him now.”

I laughed at her shrilly voice and rolled my eyes. No matter what she said, I knew she wouldn’t be angry at him for long.

“Do you trust Blanca and Luciano to let him get off that easily? Those two are like stone cold-hearted beasts.” I joked.

She gasped loudly. “Oh my gosh! You are so right! Wes is in danger! I’ll go see now. Keep your phone on in case I need to contact you, ok?”

And before I could even answer, she hung up. I smiled to myself and got back to my sketching.



I shot up and looked around for the voice that had woken me. As my eyes adjusted to the light coming in from the windows, I realised with horror that I had fallen asleep on my sketch pad and that my drool had created a large wet spot on Camila’s portrait.

“Oh great. Just great.” I mumbled.

“Cyrus wake up!” the voice yelled.

Gemma. Urgh.

“Why the rush?” I yanked my door open and addressed her.

“Well I wanted to go spy on the neighbours today but if you’re not up for it then I’ll go alone.” She smiled.

Was this the same Gemma who had been annoying me this whole trip?

I frowned at her wide smile. “Uhm sure. Just give me ten minutes to get ready.”

I closed the door and jumped into the bathroom for a quick shower. Afterward, I threw a few clothes on and went down the stairs to find her eating a slice of toast in the kitchen.

“Ready?” she asked.

I nodded and together, we left the house.

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