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“You ready to get this over and done with?” I asked Gemma as soon as my feet landed on the bridge.

She nodded back stiffly and without a second’s doubt, the two of us held hands as I teleported us to the Mortal World.

I opened my eyes and found that we were standing in the middle of an abandoned street. I let go of Gemma’s hand and walked across the street to the building right next to Camilla Ortega’s. That was where the two of us would be living during our time on Earth.

“Are we staying here?” Gemma asked.

I ignored the annoyance that tugged at me and answered clearly. “Yes.”

“Won’t they notice? The humans?” she asked again, her blue eyes looking up at me in the semi-darkness.

“No. Magic, remember?” I answered impatiently and opened the front door.

“Yeah, hey. That totally answers my question.” She replied sarcastically.

I ignored her and went off to my room. I unpacked within seconds and collapsed onto the bed, hoping to get some sleep. I would’ve succeeded if it weren’t for the loud tune that cut through the air seconds after I had closed my eyes.

I sighed and grabbed the phone that had magically appeared beside the bed.

So many strange things happened in my life that suddenly finding a phone in my new room wasn't that weird.

I glanced at the screen.

You have one new message

I snorted. I don’t even have a phone but sure, whatever.

Camila Ortega has been taken to the hospital. Get there now.

I rolled my eyes and put the phone back where I found it and tried to sleep again. Seconds later, the same tune cut through my dreams.

I mean it. Get up now.


Oh, that explains it, I thought as I got up and shoved some shoes on.

I knew Belle had been trying to get all the recruits cell phones to make their missions on Earth easier and to communicate between the headquarters and stuff. I hadn’t known she’d actually succeeded in doing so.

I guess I should’ve known anything was possible after Belle managed to get us T.V on our world.

I didn’t bother telling Gemma I was leaving because she was already asleep and I didn’t want to wake her. No, that does not mean I like her, it means I didn’t want her yelling at me for doing just that.

I used the Google Maps app on my new phone and went looking for the hospital my new assignment was currently in. On my way there, I couldn’t help but think of how sorry I felt for her.

Camila had experienced a hard life and she needed a helping hand. Maybe that’s why my sister sent me here, because she knew I could help her. I wasn’t great at fighting or anything like that but I was a good listener, a shoulder to cry on and I could make people feel better about themselves just by talking to them. Call me arrogant but it’s the truth. Wink, wink.

I flew past the hospital people: all the nurses, doctors, parents and children and finally found Camilla in a small room at the end of the building.

The girl from the folder was lying in bed with a ton of wires and tubes coming in and out of her. Her skin looked pale and her hair rested on her shoulders as if someone had just combed it for her. Even in sleep, her soul cried out in anguish. I could feel the hurt and loneliness woven in her aura and the betrayal that plagued her heart. I felt all that inside and around her but when I looked at her, all I saw was a beautiful girl sleeping peacefully.

Abandoning all the warning signs in my head and my sister’s words, I walked forward and stopped right next to her. I traced my finger down her cheek, giving in to the urge to touch her. She was human, a broken human soul to be exact, but I hardly registered that fact as a wave of something unexpected hit me. She looked so…fragile and so helpless.

I was suddenly gripped by the need to protect her; to save her from whatever it was that haunted her. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go. I wanted her for myself.

Appalled at my own thoughts, I shook my head and leaned forward.

“How could someone so beautiful be so hurt? Don’t worry, Cam, I’ll take care of you.” I whispered in her ear and, before I could stop myself, laid a kiss on her cold cheek.

Confused and slightly terrified by the feelings brewing in my gut, I shot up and flew out of her room, out of the hospital. I flew at lightning speed back to the house and into my room. I had put as much distance between the two of us as I possibly could have but the sharp, sweet scent of vanilla still lingered on my nose.

Shit, what have you done? I scolded myself.

I was there to find her soulmate but at that moment I wanted nothing more than to keep her for myself. That thought scared the shit out of me.

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