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Are you kidding me? Seriously? I asked myself as I watched Camila and Harry battle on the dance-off game.

I had decided to take her out that day so I could take her mind off things and just so we could have some fun but no, Harry just had to show up, didn’t he?

I was pissed and overwhelmed by such ferocious jealousy that I had ditched the two of them and avoided them the rest of the day. It might sound a little extreme but it was the only way I could keep myself from beating Harry up.

It wasn’t even his fault. He was born as her soulmate and she as his. There was no way I could change that. But I knew that she felt something for me. There was something between the two of us; I just wasn’t sure what it was. In fact, I was certain that if Harry didn’t exist, she’d have fallen in love with me.

I watched silently and tried to put a lid on my temper. I had to clear my mind and think properly. If I destroyed any chances of her ever being with Harry, I knew I would win her heart: I mean I was already halfway there. But if I did that, a small part of me would always wonder what if.

What if she could’ve been given a choice? Would she have chosen him? Would she have chosen me? Would she have walked away if she knew?

I made a decision as I watched her face alight with joy while dancing her butt off. I would give her the choice. I wasn’t going to be selfish and keep her for myself knowing that she might love Harry more.

I wanted her but I wanted her completely. I wanted her to choose me because I was better than him. He was her soulmate, but she could still reject him if she decided I was better for her than him. I turned my invisibility shield on and flew out of the building.

I had to make her see that I was better than him. She would be mine and she would love me more than him. I just knew it.

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