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I woke up three hours later than I should’ve. It was all Hunter’s fault. I just knew I shouldn’t have had those extra beers. I jumped into the shower for a few minutes then threw some clothes on.

“Hunter get up! I’m leaving.” I kicked his side before leaving my room and going down the stairs.

I slapped on some butter on a slice of toast and rushed out of the house with my tie loose around my neck and my belt unbuckled.

I was just getting in the car when I remembered the blonde idiot currently drooling all over my carpet.

“Hunter! I’m going to the wedding! Get your own ride home!” I yelled up the stairs, hoping he heard me.

I jumped into the car, finished off my toast and started the long drive to the other side of the city for my brother’s wedding.

Braxton wasn’t my real brother but my adoptive one. His parents had adopted me when I was 10 and the two of us used to be really close. I hadn’t seen him since Christmas two years ago and I had been a little surprised when I got the invitation to his wedding. I didn’t even know the girl he was marrying.

I was surprised but also, happy. It showed that he didn’t see me as the cause of his parents’ deaths after all and that he’d forgiven me for everything. Unfortunately, I was about to ruin everything by showing up late.

I reached a green traffic light and was driving fast but safe when I saw a streak of blue run across the street.

“Shit!” I muttered, slowing down so I wouldn’t hit whoever it was.

I stopped in time to see it was a beautiful girl wearing what looked like cartoon pyjamas. She looked horrified and muttered an apology before taking off down the street.

I don’t know why but I felt like I had to get out and offer her a ride. I wanted to talk to her and see who it was she was chasing after so quickly but my phone beeped right at that moment.

I sighed and answered the call.


“Harry, it’s Braxton. You didn’t R.S.V.P and I wanted to check if you were coming.” He answered.

Oh crap, I forgot!

“Oh I am so sorry. I totally forgot. Yes, I’m on my way. I might be just a tad bit late but I’ll be there.” I responded.

“That’s great! I can’t wait to see you again and catch up. Hurry up, bro.” And with that, he hung up.

I was dazed for a minute and just sat smiling at the phone in my hand. Looks like I had my older brother back.

I snapped out of my trance and sped down the road. I had to get there in time. I just had to.

Fortunately, the universe was with me and I didn’t get stuck in traffic or have to stop at many red traffic lights. I got to the wedding with time to spare, which was amazing because I had to fix the clothes I had thrown on hastily.


I stopped fiddling with my tie and looked up to see who had just entered the bathroom. It was Braxton.

“Brax.” I replied.

He gave me one of his bone-crushing hugs and for a second, the past couple of years hadn’t happened. I hadn’t gone to jail, his parents hadn’t been killed and we were at our old house: laughing and beating each other up on the living room carpet.

“Bro. You made it.” He said, a tear running down his cheek.

I smiled and realised I was crying too. “I’m sorry, Brax. I’m really-”

“Don’t. I’ve already forgiven you. I’m just glad that you came.”

“Me too, big bro. me too.”

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