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I smiled and looked up at the beautiful, golden sun. Everything was beautiful: the air smelt fresher and the grass underneath my bare feet felt as soft as cotton.

"Camila!" I heard.

I turned around and saw someone running towards me.

I couldn't see clearly because the sun was blocking my vision and he was too far away.

I squinted my eyes and tried making out who it was.

He had curly hair. Oh wait no, it was straight. He looked tall but somehow the closer he came towards me, the shorter he became.

"Harry? Is that you?" I asked the figure.

He shook his head. I could make out his clothes now: they were all black.

"Cyrus? Cyrus you came back!" I screamed in excitement.

I tried running towards him but my feet were tied to the grass by an invisible force.

He shook his head again.

Now I could see his face. He was neither Harry nor was he Cyrus.

Where I'd thought I had seen brown hair, was actually short blonde hair.

The face that I'd thought belonged to someone I loved belonged to someone who was barely more than a stranger to me.

"No, dearest Camila, it's me." He replied.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

His face was familiar but I'd forgotten the name.

His blue eyes steeled and his jaw locked. I could tell that I'd made him angry.

"I'm the love of your life!" He yelled.

Before I could reply, he wrapped his big hands around my neck and squeezed. Hard.

I couldn't breathe. I tried pushing away and getting air into my lungs but it wasn't working.

The golden sun turned to a dark purple moon as I felt my life slowly slip away from me.

The last image I saw before dying was the psychotic pleasure in his cold eyes. He smiled wildly and kissed me before taking my life.

I snapped awake, taking a deep breath to fill my lungs. The dream had felt so real that for a second I thought I was actually dead.

Then, a sharp pain stabbed at my temples. I squeezed my eyes shut but that seemed to make the pain worse.

I snapped my eyes open and tried to observe my surroundings.

Suddenly the taste of coppery blood appeared in my mouth. I had somehow cut my tongue badly.

I tried to move my arms but realised I couldn’t. Through the semi-darkness, I saw that I was tied to a tree.

I looked around and saw more trees. It seemed as if I was in some kind of forest.

I looked up and saw the full moon through a few tree branches. A purple-black shadow had started clawing its way onto its face.

I suddenly remembered that Andres had told me about a lunar eclipse happening that night.

I started shivering. The air had dropped at least 20°C in two minutes.

The soil beneath my bare feet felt cold and wet, contributing to my shiver. The idiot had taken my shoes off.

Speaking of him, I saw him standing behind a cauldron a few metres away. It was odd that I hadn't noticed him—or the large bubbling pot— yet.

Hunter. It was Hunter who had kidnapped me. I felt bile rise up my throat at the sight of him.

He had twiggy-looking black wings attached to his back and he was wearing thick, black armour.

“My darling, you’re awake.” He said.

His voice was different too. Much louder and... more menacing than before. He looked like a sick demon.

How did I not notice how ugly he is before? I asked myself.

“Oh be careful what you say in that little head of yours. I can read minds.” Hunter replied cheerily.

“What are you? Why the hell did you kidnap me!” I yelled at him.

"Just kidding! Only Cupids can do that. But your look of disgust was all I needed to tell what you think of me." He laughed almost hysterically.

I replied by shooting him my best death glare.

He tilted his head to the side and studied me closely. “You aren’t as surprised at what I just said as you should be. Unless...hmm, could that be it?”

“Just let me go, you filthy demon!” I yelled at him.

The guy, or Trerry I guess, was undoubtedly insane. Who knew what he would to do with me.

“Oh. I knew I could smell Cupid blood around the neighbourhood but I just couldn’t tell who it was. My senses have...weakened ever since the war.” He smiled at me and picked up a sharp stick from the ground.

I gulped and sheer terror sunk into my bones. He wouldn’t kill me, would he?

“What war? What are you talking about?” I asked timidly.

He laughed and paused. “Well I’m sure someone’s already told you, sweetheart. I escaped during the Dark War and I’ve been living on earth for the last couple of months. At first, I still had my magic and I could conjure up any spell easily but the toxic air on this planet of yours has a negative effect of me. I’m not as strong a Trerry as I once was.”

I remembered Cyrus telling me about the evil, black-winged creatures and me, being the stupid person I was, not believing him.

“Is that why you kidnapped me? So you could perform some spell on me and gain your powers back?” I asked.

I didn't expect him to tell me his plan. I mean, that was the stupidest thing a villain could ever do, right? At least in the movies it was.

I guess the insanity had gotten to his head and he wasn't thinking properly.

“I am planning on putting a spell on you but not for the reasons you think. See, never in my 500 years of existence has any being, supernatural or not, fascinated me as much as you do. I want you all to myself and I’m going to make sure you stay loyal to me for all eternity.” He boasted.

My blood ran cold as he neared me with a disgusting smirk on his face. I cringed when his hand touched my face. I tried to bite him or spit on him but I couldn’t move. My whole body was still.

What did he do to me? I thought.

“Oh just a little Stunning spell. Don’t worry, you’ll be ok in just a few minutes.” He laughed.

He looked up at the moon and a victorious smile appeared on his face.

I called out to Cyrus in my head, hoping and praying that he would hear me.

Cyrus! Help! Help me please! Cyrus!

I looked up and saw the purple shadow now covering half of the moon.

“Finally, I can begin.” he said.

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