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I felt her anger and pain get stronger as I neared the woods.

The woods were far from the city: a thick maze of trees and bushes that were shielded from human sight.

I dove into the thicket and tried to find them. I tucked my wings away, seeing as the spaces between the trees were too small.

I tried calling out to Camila again but she was silent. It was as if there was a physical wooden block between our minds which made telepathic communication impossible.

Despite not getting a response from her, I knew that I was getting closer. The Trerry had left his rotting scent in his wake and it wasn't hard to notice the dark magic in the air.

Suddenly a piercing scream cut through the silent air.

I stopped for a split second before recognizing the voice.


I went as fast as I could through the thorny branches and dead trees but running was nearly impossible.

Eventually the trees gave way to a flat and open clearing.

I felt goosebumps rise on my skin as I took in the scene in front of me.

The large circle carpeted in dead leaves seemed to be guarded by the tall trees around it.

There was only one tree in the clearing and it was in the centre.

My love was tied up to the tree. I had to stop myself from running towards her because I knew that I needed a plan.

This Trerry had already attacked me once and he'd almost killed me. For all I knew, he might've been armed.

I recognized the Trerry who had taken Camila hostage: it was Harry's best friend—the one that was always following him around.

I wasn't extremely shocked but I was pretty surprised.

Only then did I realise what exactly had gotten Camila to scream the way she did.

There was a man who seemed to be dead lying near her.

At first I couldn't tell who it was-my first guess was that he was just a human sacrifice for whatever spell the Trerry was planning on conjuring in the black cauldron a few feet away from Camila.

But then I saw the way she was looking at him and the never-ending tears that were spilling from her eyes.

I looked back at the man and knew immediately who those brown curls belonged to.

It was Camila's other soulmate, Harry.

Harry was lying face-flat on the ground at her feet.

Ignoring the urge to charge at Hunter and rip his flesh off his bones, I shut my eyes for a few seconds and tried to make sense of all of it.

Harry was dead. And because I knew just how much he meant to her, I knew that she was devastated.

There was one thing (well actually a lot but this one takes first place) that pissed me off about the whole situation.

It was that Camila was hurt-that she was crying-and that it was the filthy piece of crap standing a few metres away from me who had caused it.

Abandoning all thoughts of a plan, I charged out of the trees.

"Hey, Trerry!" I yelled at him.

I spread out my wings and loosed the strap on my bag of arrows in case I needed them.

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