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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh, someone stops that darn beep, I thought.

My eyelids felt heavy but I wasn’t going to give in to the darkness until that beep stopped. I forced my eyes open to see Andres’ face close to mine. If I could regain access to my lips I would’ve asked why his face was so close to mine. His lips were moving and it took me a while to realise he was talking to me. I frowned slightly and tried to tell him that I couldn’t hear him but my lips felt as if they had been glued together. He grinned widely at me and I wanted to slap him. How could he laugh while I couldn’t even move any part of my body?

Suddenly a flood of blue giants appeared. I blinked and I saw that they were actually all nurses and a doctor who looked like he was in charge. They pushed my brother out of the room and talked frantically to each other. One nurse stuck a needle in my arm and I was suddenly pushed back into sleep.


“Camila wake up.”

Who was that?

Someone was trying to talk to me.

Open your eyes, I thought.

Nope, nothing...my eyes didn’t want to open.

“Please poodle.”

My eyes shot open. Had I heard right? No it was impossible—Ford was with Gabriella. I looked to my right and saw Andres. Suddenly I had the strength to grab his shirt.

“You idiot! My name is Camilla. Do I look like a dog to you?” I growled in his face.

A huge grin spread across his smug face.

“Look who is back. How are you little sis?” He messed up my hair with his hands.

I punched his nose, earning a yelp and bunches of Spanish swear words.

 "Hey, why am I in hospital?" I asked once he was done.

"You kinda blacked out. The doctors said you hadn’t been eating well and it had a negative effect on your body. I almost lost you." Andres said, shoving a tissue up his bleeding nose.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’ve just had to deal with so much crap and I had no appetite.” I said.

 He smiled softly and gave me a peck on the cheek. “I’m just glad you’re still here.”

"So like, I passed out then you carried me here crying out for help. The doctors did a bunch of tests and put me on oxygen then they told you I'm in a depression-induced coma." I said.

Drey rolled his eyes at me. “No not really. I called the ambulance after I broke every bone in Ford’s face. He looks as if his head has been turned inside-out, by the way. The doctors wouldn’t allow me to see you till they were done doing tests. You have been sleeping here for an entire week. The crew didn’t like me ditching them these past couple of days to come see you.”

"A week?" I exclaimed.

"No a year. Melissa and I are now married and are expecting a child soon. Ford was killed in Afghanistan and Gabbie killed herself." Andres replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. “Thank you. Where’s Mel? I haven't seen her in a while.” I asked, referring to my brother’s girlfriend.

“She’s ok. She’s with the crew now. I told them I’d come later.”

“What? No, you’re the captain, Drey. Go on. It’s not as if I'm going anywhere.”

His brown eyes searched mine warily. “I came to see you. I want to know what’s going on with you. You hardly talk to me anymore and I’m worried about you.”

I avoided his gaze and looked out the window instead. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Cami you hardly eat anymore, you never smile anymore. I know it’s not just Ford. I feel terrible for abandoning you, ok? Just tell me what’s wrong and we can go through it together.” His soft voice met my ears.

I felt a stab of guilt but still avoided his gaze.

“Drey you need to go. Your crew has that competition thing soon and they need you.” I choked out.

“But you need me more. Cami for goodness’ sake, look at me.”

I closed my eyes for a second before glancing at him. His eyes were wide with sincerity and I almost told him everything right then but something stopped me.

“I know I haven’t been the best guardian. Heck, I’m no better than our parents and I’m sorry. Please say you’ll forgive me? If you won’t tell me what’s bothering you at least tell me that?”

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

“Drey.” I started.

He looked at me hopefully.

“Go. They n-n-need you.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked back out the window.

I felt the hurt I had caused him but I can’t say I regretted it. I wanted to hurt him. At least a little so he understood the hurt I felt every day. I wanted to hurt him so he would leave me alone, so he could let me wallow in self-pity by myself.

“Ok, I’ll go.” He answered after a while and he got out of the room, leaving me with my feelings.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but it seemed that being in a coma for a week left you wide awake and restless. I got up and went into the bathroom attached to my little room. I silently thanked my brother for getting me my own space-I wasn’t really good around people I didn’t know.

As popular as I might have been at school, no one knew that every time I went to a party I would almost throw up because of nerves. I was only really comfortable with people I already knew—one or two new people would’ve been fine but a whole group of strangers made me insecure and anxious.

After doing my business and not looking at myself in the mirror because I knew that I'd hate what I saw, I climbed back into the bed and let the Darkness consume me.

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