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Something felt wrong. Something felt like it was missing but I wasn't sure what it was or even who it was.

Nothing had changed as far as I knew but still there was that lingering feeling of things not being right.

I couldn't complain though because life was pretty good. I had my beautiful girlfriend and the M.S.G.A meetings were becoming an even greater success.

My brother and his wife visited almost every weekend because they had moved into the neighbourhood.

Jordan and I were still best friends and the panic attacks hadn't occurred since I met Camila.

"Why are you so nervous?" Jordan asked me as I paced back and forth on the sand.

"What if she says no? Or she doesn't show up? Or worse, she can't make it?" I replied.

I was terrified. Jordan and I were waiting on the beach for Camila while everyone else was currently setting up the beach house.

Jordan rolled his eyes and flopped himself onto the sand. "Calm down. Andres said they're on their way. And you have nothing to worry about. Camila—"

"What if the cake tastes terrible? Or the lights break? Or a fire starts?! What if? What if—"

"Harry!" He yelled.

I stopped pacing and looked at him in surprise.

"Sit down." He commanded.

I really didn't want to but I could tell that he meant business so I obliged.

"Now, you are going to calm down so that you're not sweaty and stuff when Camila arrives. Then you are going to do your thing and after she says yes, you two will come up to the house where all your friends and family are waiting patiently. You understand?"

I winced. "But—"

"But nothing! You're freaking out over nothing!"

Just then, I heard someone calling me.

I looked up and saw Camila and Andres walking towards us.

"Shit." I muttered.

It just got real, I thought.

Jordan stood and dusted himself off just as the two of them arrived.

"Hey." Camila greeted, giving me a hug.

My hands were shaking but I don't think she noticed. After hugging me, she hugged Jordan too, who had a wide smile on his face. The idiot was probably laughing at me.

"Harry." Drey greeted, giving me a bro-hug.

After everyone had greeted each other, Jordan made up some excuse that included Andres and the two of them left.

I wasn't really paying attention because I was openly staring at Camila. She wasn't wearing anything special: just a pair of shorts and a flowy top but she managed to look breathtakingly beautiful.

"You're staring." She told me.

"I know." I smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes and stepped closer to me. Sometime during the staring session, my nerves had disappeared and I felt nothing but excitement.

"You are so weird." She commented.

I shrugged. "But you like weird."

She smiled. "No. I don't like weird. I like you."

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