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I was doomed. I knew that there was no way out of this for me. I couldn't defend myself against a supernatural being: whether he was weak or not.

I looked at the moon which was completely covered by the purple shadow.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Tonight is the perfect night for our union! After tonight, no one will be able to separate us!" The psychopath yelled in triumph.

I had no idea why he was drawing a circle around me with a pointed stick. All I knew was that he was almost done with the circle and that I was scared out of my wits.

I thought of all of the most important people in my life: Andres, Mel, Cyrus, Harry.

Then I thought of all the people that had ever hurt me or broken me down: Ford, Gabriella and countless others.

Without noticing, I had shed a few tears at the thought that my life could be over.

I didn't want to die. Heck, living was a huge pain in the ass but any life is better than death.

Living means emotion: it means going through terrible and heartbreaking things that will mould you for what you will one day become.

Some people have it harder than others but that doesn't mean you should give up on living.

Because there is no living without happiness, peace and satisfaction.

It might come with a whole lot of pain and sometimes the bad days outweigh the good days but those good days are worth something.

I wished in that very moment as I looked up at the purple moon that I could have one more minute with all the people in my life: the good and the bad.

I wanted to forgive those who'd hurt me.

I wanted to apologize to all those I'd hurt.

I wanted to show my appreciation to all those who'd always been there for me.

I wanted to share my secrets: small, stupid things that I didn't want to be buried with.

I wanted to confess my feelings and my actions to all those I'd shut out before.

But most of all, I wanted to love.

I hadn't allowed myself to love anyone as much as I should've.

I'd always kept even the closest people in my life at arm's length (everyone except Drey) because, even though I hated to admit it, I was scared that they'd hurt me or that they'd leave.

I wanted to love those around me: including myself.

I watched as Hunter dragged the stick across the sand around the tree I was tied to.

He was just about to complete the circle when—


Hunter jumped at the voice and I felt my heart come back to life at the sound of his voice.

“No! Go back!” I managed to scream.

“Well, Harry. Seems like you found us.” Hunter smiled at the approaching figure.

My heart started beating faster. Harry wasn’t safe. Hunter wasn’t human and he would kill Harry if I didn’t stop him.

“Hunter. What? Why?” was all Harry could say.

Hunter chuckled. “You humans are so sensitive, though. Look, Harry there are a few things you need to know. Uh, firstly, I wasn’t really your friend. Why would a powerful being like me want to befriend such a measly creature as a human? I only joined you because I was hungry.

I feed on pain, fear and loneliness. Your little therapy group is what has kept me alive on this planet for so long.”

Harry looked like he didn’t know how to feel. I could see the disgust, betrayal and anger on his face as he looked up at who he thought to be his friend.

“Look, I don’t know what you are or why in hell’s name you came here. All I know is that you have chosen the wrong girl for your stupid spells.” He spoke with every step he took.

Hunter only laughed. “Stupid? Harry don’t make me laugh. I could kill you right here and right now.”

“No! Please, don’t kill him!” I yelled.

Harry had to get out. Hunter could kill me instead, just as long as he let Harry go.

“Camila! Hunter let her go!” Harry yelled, running towards me.

Hunter sighed and just watched as Harry came to my side.

“Pathetic, honestly. Harry move out of the way so I can finish what I was doing. The moon isn’t going to be out forever.”

“No. I will not allow you to kill her. I love her.” Harry replied.

“Harry, go! Please, go!” I tried pleading with him but he wouldn’t move.

Hunter sighed and muttered a few words. A swirl of black dust materialised in his right hand and before I could scream, he threw it straight at Harry’s chest.

“Harry! No! Harry!” I screamed and struggled against the ropes tying me to the tree as his body fell limp to the ground.

"He's much better off dead anyway. You don't really love him, do you? You love someone else—Cyrus."

"Just shut up." I muttered as I looked at Harry's lifeless body.

I couldn't feel my heart beat. I felt as if a part of me had been ripped out of my body as I stared at him in shock.

He had fallen face-first and so all I could see of him was his curly hair.

“You killed him!” I whispered.

I still couldn't believe it. My Harry. He was gone.

“Yes, I did. Now let’s get this over and done with.” Hunter smirked and started to draw a circle around me.

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