chapter 7

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chapter seven
session four

october 10 2017

"okay everyone, welcome to session four. today we are going to take a little walk around, getting to see korea in the fall, admiring how beautiful life is okay?" john asked and all of us nodded in agreement. "okay, pick someone to be with." he instructed and i instantly look at madelaine but wonwoo grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.

i look over at hansol. "hansol! hamsol! hansol! can we be together?" seungkwan asked excitedly. "yeah of course man." hansol smiled. oh no he's talking 'gangster' again. everyone run for their lives. "do not fret my dear best friend, i will escort you on this beautiful day." jeonghan laughed, linking our arms.

"thanks jeonghan." i smiled, laying my head on his shoulder. "what can i say, i'm a good friend." he smiled. i kissed his jawline, making him tense. "do you want me to take you in front of everyone?" he growled in my ear. "woah, you do have a kinky dark side." i said in awe. "do you want me to fuck you right here? cause i fucking will." he whispered in my ear. "maybe i do daddy." i smirked. "hansol i'm fucking your girl." he called out. "i'm not his girl!" i pouted. "that's my best friend! don't fuck her!" hansol said to jeonghan.

"and by the way roslyn, i'm not daddy that's seungcheol, i'm mommy." he smiles cheekily. "exactly, and chan is our little baby boy." seungcheol put his arm around chan. "and this is the second reason i'm suicidal. we're not walking together anymore." chan said, moving away from seungcheol and walking to minghao instead. "son! no come back!" seungcheol called out. "i'm not your fucking son." chan spat, standing beside minghao.

"watch your mouth!" jeonghan, seungcheol and john said at the same time.


"aren't the colours beautiful?" john asked while walking around the nearest park. our feet walk across the leaf covered cement, the sound of crunching leaves every time we would walk.

i look at the colours and smiled to myself. i thought back to my home in canada, where the rest of my family and friends are. i miss everyone so much.

fall was and always is my favourite month. it's not too hot and not to cold, the breeze is nice and cool, i can wear sweaters and don't get me started on my love for halloween and candles. october was always the best time to go to bath and body works because the smell for their october candles were amazing and to die for.

scarves are always a plus, dressing up for halloween even if you weren't going out because you're still a little kid at heart, candy gallore, pumpkin pie, thanksgiving cause that's when thanksgiving is in canada, family time, scary movies and halloween decor for the entire month.

my mom would always go through so much time and trouble to make me my costume. she made me a jessie costume from toy story and it was spot on. she made me a Dorothy dress by hand and even made the ruby red slippers. she stayed up for hours but seeing the smile on my face when it was done would be worth it.

but the best part of all of that would be the first day of november. my family and i sharing candy for desert for every meal that day. taking down halloween decor and putting up christmas decor instead.

"hey, you okay?" jeonghan asked, looking down at me. "yeah i'm just thinking about home." i smiled "good memories or bad memories?" he asked "good memories, really good memories." i told him and he smiled "good, keep thinking good thoughts."

"hey jeonghan." hansol said from behind us. "wanna switch partners for a bit?" hansol asked. jeonghan agreed "of course." jeonghan smiled "so seungkwan is very quiet at first but he'll start talking in no time and will never shut up." he chuckled "with that being said, don't hurt my boo." hansol threatened jeonghan, making him laugh. "don't worry chwebacca, i won't let you down."

he walks to seungkwan but seungkwan keeps looking at the group. "divaboo." i called out. his head snapped up and looked in my direction. i waved with a friendly smile. he smiled cheekily and waved back. "you and my boo getting along?" he asked and i nodded "seungkwan is my spirit animal and i love him to pieces."

"i'm glad." he smiled. i heard laughter in front of us and saw madelaine and wonwoo walking together, hand in hand, they were each other's halves. i admire the beautiful soon to be couple. "aren't they cute?" i gushed "yeah, they are but i'm obviously cuter, don't you agree?" hansol asked, running his fingers through his hair making me giggle. "whatever you say hansol."

after a couple of minutes of silence between the two of us, hansol finally says something. "call me that." he says "huh?" i questioned him as he looked down at me. "hansol, call me hansol. i like the way you say my actual name, i don't know how to explain it. when you say my name i just feel instantly safe and happy." he admitted making me smile.

"so where we going this weekend?" hansol asked me "uh i don't know, you can pick." i tell him "no no no i want you to pick." he insisted. "hansol, i really don't mind. we can go anywhere and as long as we're together, just the two of us, being best friend goals then i'm happy." i tell him and he groaned. "you're killing me hazel grace."

"i hope i am." i laughed pushing him slightly. "can you guys date already?" jeonghan called out. "can you guys like, not?" joshua asked "cool it." seungcheol warned making joshua roll his eyes. "what's wrong with you?" i asked him "you know what my problems is, he's playing with you and you don't even see it. you're my friend, i want to protect you."

"how is he playing with me if we don't even like each other?" i asked and he shrugged "i appreciate you looking out for me and caring about me but i can take care of myself. i trust hansol and saturday is a friend day, not a date." i tell him and he sighs. "i'm sorry, roslyn. i just can't help but worry for you." he said shamefully, turning back around but walked up to the front to be with john.

"what was that about?" seungkwan asked and i shrugged. "i don't know." i shook my head and looked down at my feet, feeling nothing but guilt. why did i kiss him? while we were walking i felt someone's finger underneath my chin.
they lifted up my face and turned it to look at them. it was hansol.

we looked into each other's eyes and he smiled a bit, making me smile in response. "don't worry about him okay?" he asked me and i nodded. "okay, i'm sorry." i apologized making him laugh. "what are you apologizing for? you did nothing wrong."

"can it hansolo."

"fuck you too rosemary."

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