chapter 16

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chapter sixteen
the lemon prince

november 17 2017

"new hair today?" i asked jihoon as he opened the door to his apartment "yep, you ready to go?" he asked with a smile." yep but what should your new nickname be? you look like a walking lemon so lemon boy?" i asked as he locked his apartment door.

"i swear to god if we walk into support group tonight and you call me lemon boy i will murder you by hand." he threatened and i chuckled. "so what do you want to do? i've been craving sushi lately." jihoon smiled and i nodded eagerly. "holy shit let's hurry it up then!"


"thank you." jihoon smiled at the waitress as she set down our waters. "when is madelaine coming?" i ask, taking a sip of my water. "i just texted her, she said she'll be here any minute now." he said, putting his phone on the table. "so, jihoonie," i start "what, rosey posey?" he fired back making me cringe. "ew stop no." i tell him as i shutter. "don't call me jihoonie, that's too cute, i need something manly." he scouled.

"right cause you're just so manly mr 5'4"." i rolled my eyes and he kicked my leg under the table. "ow!" i whined, rubbing my leg. "say that to me again i dare you." he pouted, putting a sushi roll in his mouth. "anyways, i wanted to ask what jeonghannie told you and cheolie."

"stop, ew." he chuckled "it's not my place to say. i would totally tell you if i could but jeonghan was there and i wasn't, if i was there i would've told you right away and jeonghan said he wants to tell you himself." he told me. "hey." madelaine smiled, taking a seat beside jihoon.

"wow, you guys know my order." she smiled, obviously being flattered that we know her usual because we're just that good of friends towards her. "so, roslyn. how was yesterday?" she asked "it was good. we spent the whole day together, watching clannad and eating chinese and pizza." i say simply, taking a sushi roll and plopping it into my mouth.

"and that's all you did?" jihoon asked. "uh yeah?" i lied "are you sure? all you did was hang out? he left right after you finished watching the last episode?" jihoon asked "yeah?" i asked looking at him strangely. he relaxes and sighed in relief. "why are you prying at me?" i spat. "i'm just making sure, i don't want you to get hurt." he admitted.

"and why exactly would having sex with hansol hurt me?" i asked and he stayed quiet. "exactly." i said, stealing one of madelaines cheese wontons. "trust me, if you don't want to get hurt, don't do anything with him for a while. it's too early in the relationship anyways." he said, stealing one of madelaines wontons as well.

"okay what is this? steal madelaines food day? get your own." she pouted, stuffing her face with wontons, making us laugh. "i'm sorry for sounding harsh roslyn but i'm saying it because i love you and i want you to be happy." he tells me and i nod with a smile. "yes jihoon, i know."

"what did you guys do yesterday?" i asked "i stayed at home, just writing and recording songs no one will ever hear." jihoon said "don't say that." i tell him. "it's true, and i don't think i want anyone to hear them anyways." he shrugged. "what about you madelaine?" i asked.

"oh wonwoo and i talked things out from are little argument. he got jealous that i hang out with jun and minghao a lot and kind of flipped out, but, we talked yesterday and everything is okay now." she smiled "that's good." i smiled "and it's good that you guys argue from time to time, that's what a relationship is meant to be, it can't be perfect 24/7."

"true, speaking of arguments, how was the one between you and hansol? you know the one on monday when you got suspended." madelaine asked "uh we worked it out the next day. i was still lowkey mad even after he came to the office and comforted me." i shared.

"argument?" jihoon asked "yeah. hansol tried to do things with me and i didn't let him and i got angry cause he was pushing thing on me to quick."

and then literally two days later i fuck him oops.

"good girl." jihoon smiled, holding his hand out so i can high five him. i roll my eyes with a smile and high five the boy. "can we skip support group today please?" i whined. "uh no, we're going and you need it after tuesdays events at school." madelaine scolded and i groaned. "fine."

"it's bugging me that he tried to do things with you. if he tries anything, call me and i'll help you out, give him a sturn talking to." jihoon said in a serious tone, making madelaine laugh. "oh yeah cause i'm sure the 5'4" manly man can give the 5'9" boy a stern talking too about fucking his girlfriend." madelaine laughed, making jihoon pout.

"okay there prince charming, i'll make sure to give you a call so you can save the day." i laugh and gasp "my little lemon prince." i smiled "aweh! i love that! that's so cute!" madelaine exclaimed. "no, it's so manly." i correct. "rrrrright."

we hear jihoons phone ding and he quickly picks up his phone from the table and reads the message. "he said make sure to come to the session today, and to make sure roslyn avoids-" he cuts himself off and reads the text with a horrified look on his face.

"you lied to me." he said, looking up at me. "huh?" i ask, my mouth full of sushi. "you lied to me, about last night. why didn't you tell me?" he asked "wait, slow down. what are you talking about last night? and why do you care? it's my private life." i spat. "oh yeah? well your little boyfriend isn't keeping it so private."

he stood up from his chair. "what are you talking about?" i asked, getting angry. "i don't know, ask jeonghan or better yet, ask hansol." he spat walking out of the restaurant, leaving madelaine and i alone. i put my head in my hands in frustration.

he told jeonghan? why? i wasn't planning on telling anyone, not even madelaine. that was our private moment, and stuff like that is supposed to be a special moment between you and your partner, not everyone else.

"you okay?" madelaine asked me and i nodded a bit. "sure." i sighed lifting my head back up. "let's get going to support group, you might need it."


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get ready to have your hearts broken next chapter oml

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